We found 531 results for your search.

From Clark Kent to Superman

Image from Fanpop I have the vision to see the hero deep inside of my husband – the man God desires him to be and created him to be – and how, by God’s power working in me (and in him) and my respect and cooperation, he can fully become that hero of a man. Everyone else may just see a… Continue reading From Clark Kent to Superman

Praying in FAITH Not Fear

Many of you know that I used to pray up to 4 hours per day on my days off earlier in our marriage (before we had children, of course!). Most of that time, I spent praying for God to change my husband. I thought I was engaging in something very godly and spiritual back then.… Continue reading Praying in FAITH Not Fear

A Wife Shares What She Is Learning in Biblical Marital Counseling

I’m so thankful for this wife’s willingness to share what she is learning!  I believe this will bless you. 🙂 My Dear Husband (DH) and I have started Biblical Marital Counseling at a Baptist church near my job. They are very well known and its 6 sessions for free. Our first meeting went very well.… Continue reading A Wife Shares What She Is Learning in Biblical Marital Counseling

God Answers a Wife’s Question – “Why Doesn’t My Husband Want to Spend Time with Me?”

From a precious wife. I am so excited about what God is beginning to do in her heart!!!!!  Thank you for allowing me to share! —————- I stumbled across Peaceful Wife’s blog after Googling (seriously) “why doesn’t my husband want to spend time with me” (or something like that – I tried Googling it again… Continue reading God Answers a Wife’s Question – “Why Doesn’t My Husband Want to Spend Time with Me?”

“God, Don’t Waste My Time…”

  We profess Christ. We pray constantly for our husbands to come to Christ and for healing for our marriages. We pray and pray and pray and we don’t see things getting better. We may start to get bitter and angry with God that things are not going the way we think they should. If… Continue reading “God, Don’t Waste My Time…”

Praying Scripture

One of the most powerful ways to pray is to pray Scripture over ourselves, our husbands and others – in faith – believing that God is a Promise Maker and a Promise Keeper. I love what David Platt says about praying when we are abiding in Christ and full of His Spirit: “Change your desires… Continue reading Praying Scripture

Be Still

This is my calling from God right now. Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 So, I have pared down my schedule, my obligations, my ministry, my responsibilities – and I am just seeking Him and basking in His glorious presence. I have slowed WAY, WAY down.  The anxiety is gone. God… Continue reading Be Still

Anxiety Swept Over Me

Greg and April – December 2013 Upon deciding that I must stop the emailing portion of my ministry to wives last week, I experienced intense anxiety for a few days – unlike any I have felt in a LONG, LONG time. I so don’t miss that awful, horrible feeling! I used to live with that… Continue reading Anxiety Swept Over Me

When He Hands You an “Olive Branch”

Sometimes, men have their own way of apologizing.  If we are not careful, we might miss what they are doing and not appreciate the significance of their gestures. If you and your husband have had an argument, he may need time to think and process what happened before he is ready to talk about how… Continue reading When He Hands You an “Olive Branch”

Am I Really Justified?

Well, my husband did X, so – it’s ok if I do Y. Some fictional examples: My husband cussed me out, so I yelled and screamed and told him he is the worst father on the planet in front of our kids and told them they don’t have to listen to their dad anymore. My… Continue reading Am I Really Justified?