If you tend to get anxious or upset about Valentine’s Day, please check out this post for a whole new way to think about it.
Category: Idols
Is It Time to Stop Being Nice?
Let’s look at the important differences between niceness and Christlikeness so we don’t get sucked into dysfunctional relationships.
Breaking Free from Subtle Idols in Our Hearts
We are much more prone to idolatry even in our advanced society than most of us realize. Thankfully, we don’t have to be slaves to our idols anymore!
Minimalism or Frugality Can Be Idols, Too
I have had times when I idolized things, luxury, and comfort. I wanted a really beautiful home where everything was perfect and looked like it came out of HGTV. And I have also been tempted to idolize minimalism/frugality in recent years. It’s funny how easily we can make almost anything more important than it should… Continue reading Minimalism or Frugality Can Be Idols, Too
Do I Love the Things of This World Too Much?
Our Western culture is inundated with materialism. Every ad beckons us with promises that if only we bought that product, had enough stuff, and enough money, we would be beautiful, happy, and fulfilled in this life. How Can I Tell if I Am Struggling with Materialism? Here are a few questions I might ask… Continue reading Do I Love the Things of This World Too Much?
Please, God! Ask Me for Anything But This!
From a dear single sister in Christ who is in her thirties, I so appreciate her willingness to share her story – and I believe that what God showed her is something He wants to show each of us as His followers: I remember when God asked me to give up my dreams. “Okay God,… Continue reading Please, God! Ask Me for Anything But This!
The Idol of Happiness
We tend to think that “idolatry” means someone bowing down to a statue and praying to it in a shrine. It’s really easy to dismiss that practice as not even remotely a temptation to us today in our culture and to discount everything the Bible says about idolatry as being irrelevant to us. Big mistake!… Continue reading The Idol of Happiness
“If I Only Had This, I Would Be Happy!”
Ladies, I thought you might be interested in this post on my other blog for our single sisters. It goes along very well with what we have been talking about – things we want and things we think about that can trigger us to begin to fall into sin. I pray this might challenge each… Continue reading “If I Only Had This, I Would Be Happy!”
Am I Trapped by Material Things?
Materialism is something we have ALL been marinating in all of our lives. We may not even notice it, that is how “normal” it is in our culture – that drive and push to have more, to have the best, to indulge in a luxurious lifestyle and to find contentment in wealth, stuff and luxury.… Continue reading Am I Trapped by Material Things?
The Snare of People-Pleasing
This is an issue so many of us have… Thought it might be a good time to bring it up again. 🙂