This is my calling from God right now.
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
So, I have pared down my schedule, my obligations, my ministry, my responsibilities – and I am just seeking Him and basking in His glorious presence. I have slowed WAY, WAY down. The anxiety is gone. God is so gracious to me and so very good!
I have been spending hours and hours in quiet time:
- Reading the Bible.
- Praying fervently and with a heart on fire for God, desperate and hungry to know Him more and more.
- Seeking God’s face with all my heart.
- Reading E. M. Pounds 5 book compilation on prayer. WOW! That is SOLID FOOD for mature believers. It is all meat. Gives me so much to think about, absorb, digest and pray about.
- Singing His praises at the top of my lungs when I am home by myself during the day.
- I have read everything I could find in the Bible about anxiety, worry, being still, waiting on God, and entering God’s rest.
- I’m in a continual state of prayer and listening for His voice.
- I am SO EXCITED and full of anticipation at all that He will do.
- I have been thanking Him for all that He has done.
He is renewing my strength. He is filling me with His Spirit. I have His peace again. I have His joy again. He is empowering me and giving me rest. The communion with Him is SO VERY SWEET. It is what I pray that each of you might find.
I have been very conscientiously focusing more time, love and attention on Greg and our children.
This is exactly what I needed to do.
Thank you all for your encouragement, prayers, love, support, understanding and stories!!!!!
I’d love for you to share! If you believe God may want you to share what you have been learning in a post here on my blog, please leave me a comment. I want wives to get to hear as many different wives’ stories at every possible stage of this journey as possible. This thing is not about me. It is about our Mighty GOD! It has to be ALL about Him. I never get tired of hearing what He is doing!
Much love to each of you!
You have GOT to watch this beautiful worship song about being still and trusting God. It will richly bless you!
This one I love to sing at the top of my voice – of course, I cry so hard, I can barely sing – but it is glorious!