I am so thankful for this precious sister in Christ who was willing to allow me to share her story. I don’t know that every wife’s story would look like hers, but, I believe her story will bless everyone who reads it! God used her to sharpen me yesterday. When I was first married I… Continue reading She Submitted to Her Husband Without Knowing Christ Yet
Month: August 2014
Some Husbands Share Their Perspectives – PART 2
Continued from Part 1… Husbands answered my questions: 1. What are some things that you would like to ask your wife to do for you that you believe would make your marriage stronger? 2. What are some practical things wives can do in general that would make their husbands feel very blessed to be married… Continue reading Some Husbands Share Their Perspectives – PART 2
Some Husbands Share Their Perspectives – PART 1
Here are some questions I asked the gentlemen readers a few weeks ago: 1. What are some things that you would like to ask your wife to do for you that you believe would make your marriage stronger? 2. What are some practical things wives can do in general that would make their husbands feel… Continue reading Some Husbands Share Their Perspectives – PART 1
Am I Trapped by Material Things?
Materialism is something we have ALL been marinating in all of our lives. We may not even notice it, that is how “normal” it is in our culture – that drive and push to have more, to have the best, to indulge in a luxurious lifestyle and to find contentment in wealth, stuff and luxury.… Continue reading Am I Trapped by Material Things?
Some Things are Unconditional – Some Are Not
(It has been a busy week at our house – a new kitten on Friday, last day of summer break yesterday, first day of school today, and my schedule is quite full the next few days. I am not sure how available I can be right now for comments. Y’all are welcome to comment as much as… Continue reading Some Things are Unconditional – Some Are Not
“Wasting” Myself
May 28, 2013 – our 19th anniversary. Picture taken in front of the church where we were married in 1994. There is an incredible chapter in Watchman Nee’s “The Normal Christian Life” about “wasting ourselves” for Christ. If you haven’t read this book yet, PLEASE, PLEASE read it! I believe it should be a must-read… Continue reading “Wasting” Myself
Some Questions for the Husbands
If you are interested, we would LOVE to hear your perspective on these questions. You can answer as many as you would like. I am looking for answers that will most help wives understand their husbands’ hearts and to be strong teammates with their husbands. I may quote you in future posts and possibly… Continue reading Some Questions for the Husbands
A Wife’s and Daughter’s Submission and a Violin
From a sister in Christ. Thank you so much, Free Indeed, for sharing your story! It is SO inspiring! Wonderful post! Just the facts, ma’am! This stuff is so important!! Since you asked, I’ll share a recent obedience/submission story: A few weeks ago, our family was at a garage sale and our daughter (8) found… Continue reading A Wife’s and Daughter’s Submission and a Violin
Submission Means We Hold the Things of This World Loosely
What does submission to God mean? It means we cling to Him and are willing to let Him orchestrate the events in this world and our lives.