A Guest Post by a Fellow Wife: My journey into modesty was indeed a journey. Modesty was not a concept I gave any respect to before embarking on my quest to become a godly wife. I didn’t think it was worthwhile, I didn’t think it was important and to be honest, I thought it was downright… Continue reading My Journey into Modesty – By a Fellow Wife
Month: January 2014
Prayer Day – UNITY in our marriages
I’d like Thursdays to be a day of us praying together corporately. We’ll get on our knees and “grab hands” virtually around the world. Where two or three are gathered together, there He is in the midst of them. 🙂 The goal here is for us to focus on these topics, please, in our prayers and… Continue reading Prayer Day – UNITY in our marriages
The Dominant Wife-Passive Husband Combo — A Perfect Recipe for Disaster
This is my profile pic as the PeacefulwifePhilippines. It captures my (ex) dominant personality and my husband’s passive personality. Although at the time of this pictorial with Brown Sugar Photography, I was already a surrendered wife. 🙂 I thinkDong was just acting here. Emote! Hehe. Wednesdays are going to be Nikka days here at Peacefulwife… Continue reading The Dominant Wife-Passive Husband Combo — A Perfect Recipe for Disaster
I would like to issue you a little challenge this week, my friends! Whenever you go in the room where your husband is – please smile at him. Not to change him. Not to get any specific results from him. Just to bless him. Stay close to God. Be in His Word daily. Lay your… Continue reading SMILE! 🙂
The 10:00PM Rule
I am not an expert, a counselor, a psychologist, a theologian or a pastor. I am just an ordinary Christian wife. My posts and my blog may be helpful for you – they may not be. I share ideas and suggestions – they are not rules and they are not guarantees. Ultimately, each wife must… Continue reading The 10:00PM Rule
Learning to Follow
From a precious sister in Christ – Fallenshort – her response to the post “My Husband Won’t Lead in Our Marriage – Part 3” Yahweh is soooo impressing this issue upon me lately!!! For me, it is one of the biggest ways I have been disrespectful. Just going along at my own speed and… Continue reading Learning to Follow
Nikka’s First Interview with Her Husband after Beginning Her Journey
Nikka’s husband, Dong, and their youngest child A guest post from my dear friend, Nikka, who began this journey in September of 2013 – www.peacefulwifephilippines.blogspot.com ——————————— When I asked my husband if I could interview him, he said, “Okay, but you will not like what I will say. It might not even… Continue reading Nikka’s First Interview with Her Husband after Beginning Her Journey
What’s My Resolution This Year????
Greg and April – November 2013 I have been enjoying my email vacation and using this time to take stock of things, talk with Greg, pray and evaluate the direction of my life, my walk with Christ, my marriage, my mothering, my blogs and email ministry – and I have been enjoying Greg and my… Continue reading What’s My Resolution This Year????