We found 531 results for your search.

Empowering My Husband’s Spiritual Leadership about Church Stuff

How can I encourage my husband’s spiritual leadership for our family about going to church?

God, You Owe Me!

And I was thinking about some of the emails I get from women who are beyond discouraged in their marriages and their lives.    How my heart breaks with them for the suffering they have endured and are enduring. And it hit me. That fear that wives have about respecting and submitting to their husbands… Continue reading God, You Owe Me!

Handling Adversity with Joy and WITHOUT Complaining

  (our children at Legoland, FL) I am obviously NOT perfect. I’m still very human.  I need Jesus desperately EVERY MOMENT of EVERY DAY or I will mess things up majorly! I thought some of you may appreciate a few real life examples of how a wife might have obstacles and problems to deal with… Continue reading Handling Adversity with Joy and WITHOUT Complaining

Praying about the Small Things, Too

This is from one of my prayer partner wives.  Her story really impacted me.  And I know it will greatly bless you, too!  May you walk in deeper and greater faith in our amazing God! All of last year God was really working on me in a couple of areas. One of them was how… Continue reading Praying about the Small Things, Too

God and My Husband AMAZE Me!

Those of you who have read my story know that I used to be a pretty controlling, disrespectful and dominating wife for the first 15 years or so of our marriage. I didn’t do it maliciously.  I wanted to be a godly wife.  I actually believed I WAS being the BEST Christian wife.  I didn’t… Continue reading God and My Husband AMAZE Me!

Why Are Many of Us So Unprepared to Be Godly Wives? – Part 1

Here are comments from two Christian men that I believe deserve our time,  attention and some prayerful consideration.  Then I have some observations about why I believe Christian women are  often so unprepared for biblical marriage and some warning signs that there may be trouble ahead before a woman enters marriage that I will be sharing… Continue reading Why Are Many of Us So Unprepared to Be Godly Wives? – Part 1

Please Pray with Me!

Hey, y’all! I would like to ask for prayer for my blog ministry to wives and single women – where I strive to teach God’s design for marriage to women.  My prayer is that I might teach them to lay down any idols and to have Christ as Lord, to respect their husbands, to cooperate… Continue reading Please Pray with Me!

Money – and the ugly truth.

This is a guest post from one of my prayer partners, Kayla.  I am really excited about what God is doing in her life and all that she is learning.  She is able to explain some of these issues in ways that just MAKE SENSE. God has gifted her with words and the ability to… Continue reading Money – and the ugly truth.

Ways Military Wives Can Show Respect and Support for Their Husbands on Deployment

This is a guest post by HisHelper.  I am beyond ecstatic to share what this precious wife has written.  I know it will be a blessing to countless military wives – but she has such incredibly helpful suggestions that could benefit almost any marriage, that I know a lot of civilian wives will  be blessed… Continue reading Ways Military Wives Can Show Respect and Support for Their Husbands on Deployment

Praying for Your Husband so that God Will Hear

What is the real key to praying for your husband? Check out these tips I learned the hard way.