We found 531 results for your search.

Silent Nagging – by Nikka

Baptism of our 3rd child – Nov 2010 From my amazing friend and sister in the Lord, Nikka.  You can find her blog at www.peacefulwifephilippines.blogspot.com.  She began this journey to become a godly wife 9-1-2013. I used to think I was the picture of a kind and respectful wife. You see… I did not nag.  … Continue reading Silent Nagging – by Nikka

My Husband Isn’t Being a Good Enough Spiritual Leader – from the Archives

(NOTE: I write from the perspective of a formerly controlling, Type A, perfectionistic, driven, prideful, disrespectful wife with a passive husband. If your husband is very dominating or if he is abusive – my blog may not be a good fit for you, please seek godly help. It is possible to be TOO respectful and… Continue reading My Husband Isn’t Being a Good Enough Spiritual Leader – from the Archives

Dominant Wife/Passive Husband: My Husband’s Take

By my husband, Greg.  From the archives.  This is HIS perspective on how he felt as a passive husband. Maybe your husband has some of the same feelings? I don’t know!  But it could be interesting to try to find out. ———- GREG: Occasionally, I take one of April’s old articles and add a husband’s thoughts to them. One of… Continue reading Dominant Wife/Passive Husband: My Husband’s Take

Nikka’s Second Interview with Her Husband

At a Family Outing in Pampanga – Feb 2012 Nikka Alejar is my dear friend and sister in Christ from the Philippines who has started a blog www.peacefulwifephilippines.blogspot.com.  I plan to feature a post from her once a week on Wednesdays.  I am so thrilled about what God is doing in her life and marriage.  What a… Continue reading Nikka’s Second Interview with Her Husband

“When I Shut Up, My Husband Heard God”

I am so excited to share this wife’s story.  God blesses me with stories like this on a daily basis.  This is what makes ministering to women SO exciting.  I LOVE seeing God work in people’s lives, in marriages and in families.  It just never gets old.  This wife’s story will bless you.  Enjoy! ——————–… Continue reading “When I Shut Up, My Husband Heard God”

The Dominant Wife-Passive Husband Combo — A Perfect Recipe for Disaster

  This is my profile pic as the PeacefulwifePhilippines. It captures my (ex) dominant personality and my husband’s passive personality. Although at the time of this pictorial with Brown Sugar Photography, I was already a surrendered wife. 🙂 I thinkDong was just acting here. Emote! Hehe. Wednesdays are going to be Nikka days here at Peacefulwife… Continue reading The Dominant Wife-Passive Husband Combo — A Perfect Recipe for Disaster

The 10:00PM Rule

I am not an expert, a counselor, a psychologist, a theologian or a pastor. I am just an ordinary Christian wife. My posts and my blog may be helpful for you – they may not be.  I share ideas and suggestions – they are not rules and they are not guarantees.  Ultimately, each wife must… Continue reading The 10:00PM Rule

What’s My Resolution This Year????

Greg and April – November 2013 I have been enjoying my email vacation and using this time to take stock of things, talk with Greg, pray and evaluate the direction of my life, my walk with Christ, my marriage, my mothering, my blogs and email ministry – and I have been enjoying Greg and my… Continue reading What’s My Resolution This Year????

My Husband Won’t Lead in Our Marriage – Part 3

Greg and April Nov. 2013 Ultimately, each wife must prayerfully decide what she believes God wants her to do to obey Him and to honor Him in her unique situation. God has wisdom. I do not. I write specifically for wives who tend to be controlling and dominating. Wives who tend to be more quiet… Continue reading My Husband Won’t Lead in Our Marriage – Part 3

My Husband Won’t Lead in Our Marriage – Part 2

Ultimately, each wife must prayerfully decide what she believes God wants her to do to obey Him and to honor Him in her unique situation. God has wisdom. I do not. I write specifically for wives who tend to be controlling and dominating. Wives who tend to be more quiet and have dominating husbands may… Continue reading My Husband Won’t Lead in Our Marriage – Part 2