We found 531 results for your search.

“Wasting” Myself

May 28, 2013 – our 19th anniversary. Picture taken in front of the church where we were married in 1994. There is an incredible chapter in Watchman Nee’s “The Normal Christian Life” about “wasting ourselves” for Christ. If you haven’t read this book yet, PLEASE, PLEASE read it! I believe it should be a must-read… Continue reading “Wasting” Myself

A Wife’s and Daughter’s Submission and a Violin

From a sister in Christ. Thank you so much, Free Indeed, for sharing your story! It is SO inspiring! Wonderful post! Just the facts, ma’am! This stuff is so important!! Since you asked, I’ll share a recent obedience/submission story: A few weeks ago, our family was at a garage sale and our daughter (8) found… Continue reading A Wife’s and Daughter’s Submission and a Violin

Submission Means We Hold the Things of This World Loosely

What does submission to God mean? It means we cling to Him and are willing to let Him orchestrate the events in this world and our lives.

“My Husband Gets Angry When I Respectfully Disagree with Him”

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live in peace with everyone.” Romans 12:17-18. (If you get a chance, please read Romans 12:9-21) A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh… Continue reading “My Husband Gets Angry When I Respectfully Disagree with Him”

Confronting Our Husbands about Their Sin – VIDEO

(a 16 minute video) I wanted to do this topic as a video so that you can hear my tone of voice and see facial expressions and body language. Conflict is difficult. Confronting our husbands’ sin respectfully is hard. I want to try to give you all the tools I can on this. Scripture I… Continue reading Confronting Our Husbands about Their Sin – VIDEO

Readers Share How They Honor Their Husbands As Fathers

Thanks to everyone who shared! I pray that we might learn some new ways to show our husbands honor and respect as fathers this week that might become new habits and traditions we continue to do for many years. I am not going to be able to have much computer access this week, but I will… Continue reading Readers Share How They Honor Their Husbands As Fathers

Respecting Our Husbands as Fathers – Part 1

Here is one Christian husband’s response to this post earlier in the week: Thank you for this post. Your advice is spot on! The thing that I want from my wife is input and cooperation, not demands, domination, manipulation or deception. The former draw me to her, the latter drive me away from her. I… Continue reading Respecting Our Husbands as Fathers – Part 1

How Disrespectful Was I?

I had a talk with Greg this past week and, out of curiosity, asked him if he would rank my level of disrespect earlier in our marriage on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the MOST DISRESPECTFUL wife he had ever seen. He said, “You were probably about a 4 or a 5.” I knew… Continue reading How Disrespectful Was I?

Seeking Godly Beauty – by Nikka

  One more post about beauty and body image. Then we will switch gears. 🙂 I am not going to be very close to a computer today. But I am praying for each of you! I know that you will bless, encourage and exhort one another as you always do, sharing the truth in love.… Continue reading Seeking Godly Beauty – by Nikka

A Wife Begins to Find Healing for Her Insecurities about Body Image

For our precious sisters in Christ who don’t yet know their beauty and worth and who are struggling, may God heal your heart and mind and flood your soul with His peace, joy and truth! FROM THE WIFE WHO ASKED, “HOW COULD A HUSBAND LOVE HIS WIFE, AND BE VISUALLY ATTRACTED TO OTHER WOMEN?” Wow. This… Continue reading A Wife Begins to Find Healing for Her Insecurities about Body Image