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A Bride-to-Be Begins Her Journey to Become a Godly Wife

I am so excited to share this precious sister’s story! I cannot begin to imagine if I had a chance to start to learn these things BEFORE marriage. What a blessing!!!!  I cannot wait to see all that God has in store for this young bride-to-be and for each of you, my precious sisters. 🙂 Thank you April… Continue reading A Bride-to-Be Begins Her Journey to Become a Godly Wife

“I Just Want Him to Want to Spend More Time with Me!” – a Discussion

I think that almost every wife has felt like this – most of us, many, many times. For some, maybe it has been every day for years. It is GREAT for us to ask our husbands for what we want and need. As grown adults with God-given free will, our husbands do need to have… Continue reading “I Just Want Him to Want to Spend More Time with Me!” – a Discussion

Categorized as Conflict

Triggers for Sinful Thoughts

  A few weeks ago, I conducted a survey to determine what some of our greatest triggers are as wives that get us thinking in a downward spiral of sinful thoughts. Of those who answered, here are the results (please remember that ladies could vote for as many of these as are triggers for them):… Continue reading Triggers for Sinful Thoughts

Do I Condone Marital Rape or Abuse?

Spoiler alert – ladies, I am going to be talking about godly husbands in the last half of this post. Please don’t read this post if that is a trigger for you. My blog is written for women. It is my desire to fulfill my calling in Titus 2:3-5 to point other wives to Christ… Continue reading Do I Condone Marital Rape or Abuse?

Can We Have God AND Reject His Word?

I often receive comments from people who say they are Christians. They go to church. They may even tithe.  They believe in God. They say they believe in Jesus. But then they say, “The Bible is not supposed to be taken literally. It doesn’t apply to anyone today. You can’t live by the Bible! You… Continue reading Can We Have God AND Reject His Word?

Does Being a Biblically Submissive Wife Mean I Can’t Say How I Feel and What I Need?

Nope. We CAN say what we want, how we feel, what we think, what our concerns are and what we need. (Please keep in mind that when I talk about submission, I am always talking about the biblical concept, not the worldly definition. For more about biblical submission, please read here.) We have total freedom… Continue reading Does Being a Biblically Submissive Wife Mean I Can’t Say How I Feel and What I Need?

She Submitted to Her Husband Without Knowing Christ Yet

I am so thankful for this precious sister in Christ who was willing to allow me to share her story. I don’t know that every wife’s story would look like hers, but, I believe her story will bless everyone who reads it! God used her to sharpen me yesterday.  When I was first married I… Continue reading She Submitted to Her Husband Without Knowing Christ Yet

Some Husbands Share Their Perspectives – PART 2

Continued from Part 1… Husbands answered my questions: 1. What are some things that you would like to ask your wife to do for you that you believe would make your marriage stronger? 2. What are some practical things wives can do in general that would make their husbands feel very blessed to be married… Continue reading Some Husbands Share Their Perspectives – PART 2

Some Husbands Share Their Perspectives – PART 1

Here are some questions I asked the gentlemen readers a few weeks ago: 1. What are some things that you would like to ask your wife to do for you that you believe would make your marriage stronger? 2. What are some practical things wives can do in general that would make their husbands feel… Continue reading Some Husbands Share Their Perspectives – PART 1

Am I Trapped by Material Things?

Materialism is something we have ALL been marinating in all of our lives. We may not even notice it, that is how “normal” it is in our culture – that drive and push to have more, to have the best, to indulge in a luxurious lifestyle and to find contentment in wealth, stuff and luxury.… Continue reading Am I Trapped by Material Things?