We found 110 results for your search.

When Your Husband Is Having a Bad Day

How can you respond in a healthy, godly way when your husband is in a funk?

What If You Feel Attracted to Another Man?

Am I at the mercy of my feelings if I realize I am attracted to another guy? What can I do?

These “Why” Questions Can Hurt Your Marriage

Communication is important but some questions can feel off-putting, smothering, or controlling. Just a simple change in wording can make all the difference!

The Servant’s Heart Marriage Challenge

Let’s encourage each other to serve our husbands in love.

9 Healthy Ways a Christian Spouse Could Respond to Feeling Controlled

How can a Christian spouse respond to a controlling spouse in productive ways?

I Was Dissatisfied in My Marriage for Years. Then This Happened…

No matter how much Greg did for me, I was never satisfied. I wanted more and more.

11 Ways to Support Your Husband During This Crisis

In these unusual times, we can make the choice to bless our men and strengthen our marriages. God gives wives tremendous power to set the emotional and spiritual thermostat in our homes.

For Years, I Desperately Wanted My Husband to Change

I wanted my husband to change so I would feel more loved. Check out what God did…

Look Upward to the Lordship of Christ

In my last post, “It’s Time for You to Become the Woman God Created You to Be!” I shared a simple, yet profoundly important plan. The plan can get you from where you are now—frustrated, lonely, insecure, and maybe feeling unloved— to where you really want to be spiritually, emotionally, and relationally in life. We… Continue reading Look Upward to the Lordship of Christ

Does God Really Have One Specific “Soul Mate” for You?

Is the soul mate concept biblical? And is it healthy for our marriages?