We found 531 results for your search.

Confronting Your Husband’s Sin

DISCLAIMER: This is a HUGE topic.  There are MANY situations and issues that I cannot address in detail here.  I cannot possibly fit all of what scripture says in one post like this.  So this is a small taste on this topic, but it is not remotely exhaustive.  Please be sure to seek godly counsel… Continue reading Confronting Your Husband’s Sin

God Understands Men.

God understands what both men and women NEED to thrive in marriage.  That is why He gave us the commands He did in the Bible.  I am thrilled about today’s post.  This is a continuation of a series I am doing about how men think (part 1, part 3, part 4), process, emote, talk and relate… Continue reading God Understands Men.

How God Used an Old Truck and a Wife’s Great Faith

This is a reader’s response to my post about the opportunity I had to sell my minivan.  (You can find part 1 here, and part 2 here from that series)  I LOVE her story!   This is a beautiful real life example of how obeying God’s Word, showing respect for our husbands, honoring their leadership… Continue reading How God Used an Old Truck and a Wife’s Great Faith

Why Pressuring Your Man to Talk NOW Can be a Problem

I asked some husbands about how they feel about trying to have an important discussion with their wives”on the fly.”  Here is one husband’s answer.   I appreciate his willingness to share with us.  As we study how men think, process, feel and see the world – my prayer is that we might have a… Continue reading Why Pressuring Your Man to Talk NOW Can be a Problem

The Walls Are Beginning to Crack

An email from a wife – thank you for your willingness to allow me to share your story!!!  I know many wives will be SO VERY BLESSED by reading this post! It’s been about 8 or 9 months since I discovered and started truly respecting my husband, and there is much healing that still needs… Continue reading The Walls Are Beginning to Crack

“My Secret Idol”

  Today’s guest post is by Robyn.  Check out her blog at www.upwithmarriage.wordpress.com First I’d like to say thank you to April for the opportunity to share on this subject of how we make idols in our lives; even the good things. It was a good and righteous prayer; an honest prayer.  “God please save… Continue reading “My Secret Idol”

A Hurting Wife Examines Her Heart

An email from a wife It is EXTREMELY difficult to examine our own hearts when we are being severely sinned against ourselves.   I am very proud of these precious wives for the work they are doing and allowing God to do by letting Him search their hearts and then repenting of the sin in… Continue reading A Hurting Wife Examines Her Heart

The Issue of Modesty

Now that I have read and understand a lot more about how men think and how their minds and eyes work- I have a whole new understanding of the blessing of modesty both for the women who embrace the concept and for the men who benefit from women who choose to dress modestly. I also… Continue reading The Issue of Modesty

An Abandoned Wife’s Journal

This is from a wife who has faced many struggles in her marriage.  I don’t know what God’s plans are for anyone.  But I do know that He honors faith in Him.  I do know that He honors obedience to His Word.  And I do know that prayer is powerful and that when we pray… Continue reading An Abandoned Wife’s Journal

Some of the Bible Verses I Use as the Basis for My Suggestions

Here are some of the verses I use as a basis for my advice – It is my goal to apply these to marriage from a wife’s perspective: Ephesians 4:29-32 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, so… Continue reading Some of the Bible Verses I Use as the Basis for My Suggestions