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Winning Him without a Word

This is a wife who has JUST started learning about how to stop disrespect/control and has been learning to be respectful in the last week or two.  I love her story!  Thank you so much for sharing! —————————————————- Now that some time has passed I wanted to share with you what happened a couple of… Continue reading Winning Him without a Word

Respecting Our Husbands as Fathers

Here is one husband’s response to this post earlier in the week: Thank you for this post. Your advice is spot on! The thing that I want from my wife is input and cooperation, not demands, domination, manipulation or deception. The former draw me to her, the latter drive me away from her. I want… Continue reading Respecting Our Husbands as Fathers

“Why is the TV More Important to My Husband Than I am?????”

Do you ever get the feeling that the TV has first place in your husband’s heart? Ever wonder “why is the TV more important to my husband than I am?” This post is for you!

“I’m Going to Stop Pursuing My Husband” (in the wrong ways) A Fellow Wife

Ultimately, each wife must prayerfully decide what she believes God wants her to do to obey Him, to seek His wisdom in the Bible and to honor Him in her unique situation. God has wisdom. I do not. NOTE – I write specifically for wives who tend to have strong Type A personalities. Wives who… Continue reading “I’m Going to Stop Pursuing My Husband” (in the wrong ways) A Fellow Wife

“Do I Say What I Want – or Not?”

From a dear wife.  I love her heart to please God and honor her husband.  A big “thank you” to her for allowing me to share her questions. 🙂 Dear PeacefulWife, Since I found your blog, I have been reading it and watching you on YouTube (channel = “April Cassidy”) as well. I have learned… Continue reading “Do I Say What I Want – or Not?”

To Tell… or Not to Tell Your Husband What You Are Doing?

Deciding whether or not to tell your husband about what God is teaching you about respect, biblical submission and becoming a godly wife is an important, and sometimes tricky, decision. My prayer is that you will hear God’s voice and obey Him.  I also pray that every word I share might be in total alignment… Continue reading To Tell… or Not to Tell Your Husband What You Are Doing?

The Visit

This is Part 2 from “The Beginning of a Wife’s Journey.” This wife’s husband has been separated from her for some time.   He comes to visit their son, and visits her as well.  Last week they had a visit that was unlike any other in the past.  What an inspiration!!!!  THANK YOU to this… Continue reading The Visit

Our Identity in Christ – THIS Is My Security!

Ladies, Two days ago, we looked at insecurity in the post “Trying to Find Security in All the Wrong Places.” Yesterday, we looked at “The Roots of Insecurity, ‘Low Self Esteem,’ Sinful Jealousy and the Desire to Control” Quite honestly – what I am addressing in these several posts could easily be a book or two.  We… Continue reading Our Identity in Christ – THIS Is My Security!

The Beginning of a Wife’s Journey

 From Peacefulwife: I believe that wives need to hear other wives’ stories from every stage along this road of learning to be a godly wife, what it means to respect our husbands, what it means to biblically submit to our husbands, what it looks like in a variety of situations – and how God works… Continue reading The Beginning of a Wife’s Journey

My Worry Insults God

I may not realize this, but I show respect and honor for God when I have faith in Him. My worry insults God and shows Him I don’t trust Him.