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The Powerful Concept of Submitting Under Protest – Part 2

Click here for Part 1 FROM PEACEFULWIFE: Submitting under protest is not something I think we should need to use often, (hopefully).  But if we strongly disagree about something, then it can be important for us to use this concept. *** If our husband is asking us to clearly sin or to condone clear sin,… Continue reading The Powerful Concept of Submitting Under Protest – Part 2

Stages of This Journey – Part 4

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at some of the first stages on the journey of becoming a godly wife (based on my observations – this is not scientific!  You are free to comment about how the stages are going for you!): 1. Conviction 2. Repentance 3. The Frustrating Quiet Phase 4. Seeking God First… Continue reading Stages of This Journey – Part 4

Stages of This Journey – Part 2

In Part 1, we talked about the beginning stages of the journey to becoming a godly wife Conviction Repentance The Frustrating Quiet Phase Seeking God First (tearing out idols and making Christ Lord) Today, let’s continue on…  But please know that these stages are not always linear.  We cycle through some of them over and… Continue reading Stages of This Journey – Part 2

Stages of This Journey – Part 1

Each wife’s story and each marriage is unique.  I write primarily for wives who tend to be dominating, controlling, “overly-helpful,” perfectionistic and disrespectful in their marriages.   Most of us don’t realize that we are doing these things and aren’t purposely doing them.  Many of us start out thinking we HAVE to act the way… Continue reading Stages of This Journey – Part 1

“Is It ALL My Fault?”

My precious ladies, while it is true that a husband who feels disrespected by his wife is likely to act unlovingly toward her – there are MANY other reasons that a husband may be unloving toward his wife. Some of those reasons have NOTHING to do with what his wife does or does not do.… Continue reading “Is It ALL My Fault?”

A Wife’s Path to Peace

A wife’s response to  “But I’m right!  I’m the better leader.  I should be in charge.” A SISTER IN THE LORD: Wow. I saw myself (thankfully how I used to be) in your post. I, too, saw myself as always right and the better person in my marriage. The fact that my husband and I… Continue reading A Wife’s Path to Peace

Why Do I Have to Change First?

Greg and me on our wedding day – May 28, 1994 We are continuing the series of FAQs that I hear from wives.  This has to be one of the most common questions I hear. He’s the one who is being so unloving!  He’s the one who is far from God.  He should have to… Continue reading Why Do I Have to Change First?

He Doesn’t Deserve My Respect.

We continue our series this week into FAQs.  If you have a question that I have not addressed, please let me know! 🙂 This seems like more than I can handle (part 1) When do I get to the “peaceful” part? (part 1) I don’t want to lose my voice in my marriage. (part 2) I feel like… Continue reading He Doesn’t Deserve My Respect.

But I’m Right! I am the Better Leader. I Should Be in Charge.

This seems like more than I can handle (part 1) When do I get to the “peaceful” part? (part 1) I don’t want to lose my voice in my marriage. (part 2) I feel like I am losing myself. (part 2) I feel so lonely. (part 3) I don’t know how to say things respectfully to my husband, so… Continue reading But I’m Right! I am the Better Leader. I Should Be in Charge.

I Feel Alone, Discouraged and Like I Can’t Say Anything Right to My Husband

We are talking about some FAQs that I get from a lot of wives who are just beginning this journey toward becoming godly, respectful, biblically submissive wives with peaceful and gentle spirits who do what is right and do not give way to fear and are very beautiful in God’s sight. This seems like more… Continue reading I Feel Alone, Discouraged and Like I Can’t Say Anything Right to My Husband