We found 531 results for your search.

The Blessing of Knowing about Hell

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14 I will be honest. Hell… Continue reading The Blessing of Knowing about Hell

An Interesting Masculine Perspective on Romantic Books/Movies

I had asked our brothers in Christ to share their answers to my questions about this topic a few weeks ago and was surprised by how heated the discussion got at times. I think it might stretch our thinking and our perspectives as women for us to hear some masculine perspectives on this topic. (Note… Continue reading An Interesting Masculine Perspective on Romantic Books/Movies

In-Law Issues

I am very blessed to have some amazing in-laws. How thankful I am to them for raising my husband to know and love God and for the solid upbringing they gave him. How thankful I am for how much they love Greg, me, and our children. Sadly, I didn’t always treat them with the respect… Continue reading In-Law Issues

The Answer to All of Your Marriage Problems

  A brother in Christ shared this with me and has given me permission to share with you. I think this is some POWERFUL stuff right here, sisters! Imagine an old wagon wheel with all the spokes going out–the spokes represent all the HUGE piles of problems we’ve inadvertently created by not seeing that we… Continue reading The Answer to All of Your Marriage Problems

A Fellow Wife Focuses on Overcoming Bitterness

Do you find yourself filled with resentment at your husband or others, here are some practical ways one Christian wife learned about overcoming bitterness.

How Can I Tell if God Is Working in My Life or If I Am Trying to Do This in My Own Power?

It is easy to try to do this whole being a godly wife thing in our own strength and to try to turn it into a list of rules to follow so that you can improve your marriage on your own without God being involved at all. Of course, that completely defeats the point of… Continue reading How Can I Tell if God Is Working in My Life or If I Am Trying to Do This in My Own Power?

“What Does Casting Your Cares on the Lord Look Like?”

Happy 2015 everyone!!!! 🙂 May God be greatly glorified and accomplish His every good purpose in your lives and in your family this year.   A wife asked me to address this issue. I would love for other readers to contribute their perspectives, godly wisdom, and insights, as well. Sometimes hearing a different person’s description… Continue reading “What Does Casting Your Cares on the Lord Look Like?”

Why Don’t I Write for Women with Abusive Husbands?

  Because I haven’t been abused, and because I was a dominant, controlling wife – my slant and approach are going to naturally be from the perspective of a wife who was not abused and who used to be dominant, controlling, and disrespectful with a husband who was passive and unplugged. Every writer has a… Continue reading Why Don’t I Write for Women with Abusive Husbands?

“How Do You Stay Filled with the Holy Spirit?”

A wife asked me this question. It is a very good one! He is our power source to be the godly women God commands us to be. This could be a book in and of itself. But, let’s talk about a few basics: 1. The Holy Spirit is a gift that is given to everyone… Continue reading “How Do You Stay Filled with the Holy Spirit?”

“Do I Have the Right to Punish My Husband?”

First, let’s define “punish” so that we are all on the same page. Merriam Webster defines “punish” as: transitive verb 1 a : to impose a penalty on for a fault, offense, or violation b : to inflict a penalty for the commission of (an offense) in retribution or retaliation 2 a : to deal… Continue reading “Do I Have the Right to Punish My Husband?”