A brother in Christ shared this with me and has given me permission to share with you. I think this is some POWERFUL stuff right here, sisters!
Imagine an old wagon wheel with all the spokes going out–the spokes represent all the HUGE piles of problems we’ve inadvertently created by not seeing that we (with the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through us) could take responsibility for our patterns, and change them and really heal. If a person goes into the CORE with God, or the center of the wagon wheel and heals THAT, then all the spokes will begin to change position and properly align themselves as well.
If you follow then my reasoning, you understand why we must, just like in surgery, operate where the pain is and fix it, rather than do cosmetic surgery (figuring out your husband’s love language, showing respect, having date nights, spending more time together, etc.) on the surface and leaving the deep seated problem festering below. Cosmetic surgery is wonderful, but give it the proper place.
Deep seated CORE festering HUGE problem #1.
This is the ONE that fixes all the rest:
Our relationship with God. Our relationship with Real Love & Real Life.
Love is a cruel demon when we make it our god – and many do. It causes us to pursue, marry and stay connected (spouse/family) to people in unhealthy ways. The real enemies are our own sin, ungodly thoughts, lies we have absorbed, a warped understanding of God/self/others, worldly ideas, and Satan. Don’t confuse those enemies with your spouse (or family), even if you need to set boundaries with them and deliver consequences to them.
Realize God is love. His love is mine and yours too, if we just reach out, He’ll reach in. As we wildly, really recklessly pursue God – we become filled to overflowing.
God is love.
Love is not god.
You, Lord God, have brought my soul out of not understanding the difference. My lifetime of heaviness has passed and I have joy. Though I fall Lord, You will succeed. You carry me when all my efforts fail. God is love. Love cannot be your god. This wisdom is better than diamonds.
Now, the key seems to be keeping company with those who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. This is why time in God’s Word and in prayer is so important. This is where He transforms us to be more and more like Himself. But it is also critical to seek out people who are mature believers in Christ who can pray with you and disciple you.
Three things to remember on this road if you are in Christ:
- You’re deeply loved
- You’re free (from this world and from sin)
- Be very careful which people you choose to give power to. Don’t let your happiness depend on something/someone you may lose.
What we all need – whether we are married or single, male or female, young or old, healthy or sick, rich or poor – is more of Jesus. Then He can give us His wisdom, His perspective, His power, His joy, His peace, His patience, His resources, His godliness, His Word, and all that we need to face each situation in our lives.
This doesn’t mean we won’t suffer or that we will get everything we want. We will suffer at times. That is a guarantee in this cursed world. And we won’t get everything we want. But God will use all of this to strengthen our faith and walk with Him, to help us to grow in Christ, to bring glory to Himself, and to accomplish His good purposes in our lives. Then we will have everything we NEED.
Our circumstances are the method God uses to refine us and bring us to maturity. We think we need better or different circumstances. But sometimes, if God gave us what we want, it would actually destroy us. God is sovereign over our circumstances. We can fully trust Him. If we cannot change our circumstances, it may be that there are treasures God desires us to glean in our situation. The circumstances are not the most important thing – our faith and trust in Jesus is the most important thing!
The Importance of Spiritual Pruning
If you have severe issues in your marriage (uncontrolled mental health issues, drug/alcohol addiction, real abuse, infidelity – please seek wise, godly, experienced counsel and appropriate help from the authorities or from a trusted physician.)
Contentment Comes from Having Christ as LORD
How to Make Your Husband an Idol
How Do You Stay Filled with the Holy Spirit?
How Can I Tell If God Is Working in My Life or If I Am Doing This in My Own Power?
Jesus Is the Love of My Life! Peacefulwife VIDEO – 7.5 minutes