We found 173 results for your search.

Daddy Loved to Take Me on Big Adventures

I always knew I could trust my Daddy on any adventure!

Cutting Out Toxic Influences Brings Peace

Why feed my soul with things that rob me of the peace of Christ? Sometimes, it is better to limit my exposure to certain things for my own sanity.

Is It Time to Stop Being Nice?

Let’s look at the important differences between niceness and Christlikeness so we don’t get sucked into dysfunctional relationships.

11 Top Causes of Bitterness for Wives

Bitterness is something we must always guard against most diligently. If you notice a hint of it, do whatever it takes to get rid of it ASAP!

Breaking Free from Subtle Idols in Our Hearts

We are much more prone to idolatry even in our advanced society than most of us realize. Thankfully, we don’t have to be slaves to our idols anymore!

Marriage Challenge: Take Your Husband’s Advice Seriously

What blessings might you be missing out on if you ignore your husband’s wisdom?

Do I Ever Mess Up and Act Like My Old Self?

A viewer on my YouTube channel asked this question and I thought it may be a blessing for me to share my answer with you. Much love!

9 Healthy Ways a Christian Spouse Could Respond to Feeling Controlled

How can a Christian spouse respond to a controlling spouse in productive ways?

What Is Going on in a Controlling Person’s Head?

What is going on in the subconscious mind of someone who believes that loving others means trying to control them?

Baby Steps to “Take Your Thoughts Captive for Christ”

If my husband doesn’t do something I wanted him to do, can I actually stop the negative thoughts spinning in my head?