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“He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not.” – Finding Victory over Feelings of Insecurity

(This post is not for women whose husbands are abusive, are involved in unrepentant infidelity or criminal activity, are initiating divorce with their wives, have uncontrolled mental health problems, or have active addictions to drugs/alcohol right now.) Thankfully, most husbands are relatively decent men who truly love their wives and long for their wives to… Continue reading “He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not.” – Finding Victory over Feelings of Insecurity

My Identity in Christ – the ONLY Source of My Power, Strength, Hope, Security, Peace, and Joy!

If I have received the death of Christ on my behalf (to make me right with God) and have surrendered all of myself and my life to Him as Lord, I have a very specific identity in Christ that I must always keep in mind. Any time that the enemy tries to throw me off… Continue reading My Identity in Christ – the ONLY Source of My Power, Strength, Hope, Security, Peace, and Joy!

Our Identity in Christ – THIS Is My Security!

Ladies, Two days ago, we looked at insecurity in the post “Trying to Find Security in All the Wrong Places.” Yesterday, we looked at “The Roots of Insecurity, ‘Low Self Esteem,’ Sinful Jealousy and the Desire to Control” Quite honestly – what I am addressing in these several posts could easily be a book or two.  We… Continue reading Our Identity in Christ – THIS Is My Security!

Roots of Insecurity, Low Self Esteem, Sinful Jealousy and Desire to Control

Yesterday, we looked at how we as women desire security in our lives and in our relationships so desperately.  But we often look for it in all the wrong places instead of finding our security in Christ alone. I believe that the deep roots of a woman’s insecurity in her marriage, her “low self esteem,” her desire… Continue reading Roots of Insecurity, Low Self Esteem, Sinful Jealousy and Desire to Control

Trying to Find Security in All the Wrong Places

Insecurity seems to be a practically universal struggle for women. We want security in our marriages, and – really, with other people, too.  We want to know that we are lovable.  We want to know that no matter what happens, those we love will still love us. We want security in the love of our… Continue reading Trying to Find Security in All the Wrong Places

20 Key Qualities of a Prudent Woman

The Bible talks about being a prudent wife but what does it mean to be a prudent woman and how can we do this, with God’s help, even today?

Why the Church Is “The Bride of Christ”

If you have never learned about Jewish marriage customs you are seriously missing out on understanding Jesus’ love and care for you. This one is a must-read that will leave you feeling inspired and greatly encouraged in the Lord.

Greg’s Take on My Lightbulb Moment

My husband’s perspective on the moment that changed our marriage for the better forever.

I Married the Wrong Person!

Do you ever think, “I married the wrong person”? You’re not alone if you do. So what do you do now?

Real Repentance Causes Amazing Life Change

What is real repentance? I met a man once who claimed to be a Christian. He made a habit of slandering people with lies to get a few hundred dollars in settlements from various companies.  Wow. How could someone who professed to be a Christian do this with a clear conscience?  He said, “Oh, it’s… Continue reading Real Repentance Causes Amazing Life Change