This is a guest post by my precious sister in the Lord at ————————————– THE STRAIGHT PATH “Do you have any free time this evening?” I asked Husband, a couple of days ago. “Yeah, I think so..” He responded offhandedly. “Why?” “Because I’d like to talk.” “…talk? Talk about what?” I already could hear… Continue reading “We Need to Talk!”
Month: October 2013
I’ve REALLY Messed Up – How Do I Make Things Right with God?
The guilt of sin can be soul-crushing and overwhelming. Sin always gives birth to death and destruction. Death of our relationship with God. Death of our relationships with people. It can cause HUGE anxiety, worry, dread and fear in our lives. It can even make us physically sick. What if you are stuck in sin… Continue reading I’ve REALLY Messed Up – How Do I Make Things Right with God?
What is True Love?
This is a guest post from Daniel at God’s Help For Marriage. We live in a culture that praises the fairytale concept of true love. Hollywood would have us believe that love is all about that moment when you first meet and there is a “magical connection” and you “just know” that this is the… Continue reading What is True Love?
“Can I ‘Have It All’?”
From a wife and sister in the Lord, Veronica Alejar, from the Philippines – with her permission: I used to think that I “had it all”. I was a TV news anchor/mother of 3/wife/businesswoman-baker, etc. etc. People always stopped to ask how I could multi-task and well, have it all! I thought that I was… Continue reading “Can I ‘Have It All’?”
How a Wife’s Decision about Birth Control Pills Blessed Her Marriage Greatly
This story is from a wife I have been communicating with since last winter. I shared her story first in the post, “My Husband Wants to Go Where?!?!?!” I know that each of us are at different stages on this journey with God. Different husbands are also at different stages. The issue of fertility and… Continue reading How a Wife’s Decision about Birth Control Pills Blessed Her Marriage Greatly
This post is inspired by a real estate commercial that shows a wife attempting to pressure and force her husband into a quick decision about a house that the couple may not be able to responsibly afford. Some things to observe in this brief conversation: the wife’s facial expressions her tone of voice the husband’s… Continue reading “I MUST HAVE THAT HOUSE!”
Why Some Husbands HATE It When Their Wives Read Marriage Books/Blogs
Sometimes husbands get VERY upset if they find out their wives are reading any “self help” books or blogs about marriage. Let me see if I can explain what may be going on in a husband’s mind after having some conversations with Greg on this topic. He used to HATE when I read marriage books.… Continue reading Why Some Husbands HATE It When Their Wives Read Marriage Books/Blogs
Spiritual Authority – Building a Firm Foundation
The minister who taught this class at my church has graciously allowed me to share our class notes on my blog. I’m so thankful for his generosity! Everything below is word for word the notes from the class, “The Preeminence of the Doctrine of Spiritual Authority” This is the framework and basis for EVERYTHING else… Continue reading Spiritual Authority – Building a Firm Foundation
Being Married to a Laid Back, Quiet Type – a Wife Shares about Her Marriage
A huge thank you to this wife for answering my questions about being married to a quiet man. 🙂 ——————————— 1. How has God shown you how best to bless your husband? Give him understanding when he needs “space” – that took me awhile to learn, because to me “space” meant avoidance. But what he… Continue reading Being Married to a Laid Back, Quiet Type – a Wife Shares about Her Marriage
BOOK REVIEW – “Grace Filled Marriage”
I received an offer to do a book review on a new book about Christian marriage by Dr. Tim and Darcy Kimmel called “Grace Filled Marriage.” What a wonderful opportunity! There are a number of marriage books I recommend. Here is a post about them. I have to say – this one is definitely going… Continue reading BOOK REVIEW – “Grace Filled Marriage”