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Getting Back on Track

By a Fellow Wife – who began this journey in October 2012 with me.  This is the wife who wrote: Giving Up on My Dream for My Marriage I’m Going to Stop Pursuing My Husband (in the Wrong Ways) ————————— This is something I wrote for myself… as a way to help this farther sink… Continue reading Getting Back on Track

Spiritual Authority – A Firm Foundation

The minister who taught this class at my church has graciously allowed me to share our class notes on my blog.  I’m so thankful for his generosity!  Everything below is word for word the notes from the class, “The Preeminence of the Doctrine of Spiritual Authority”  (unfortunately, I don’t have access to his source materials… Continue reading Spiritual Authority – A Firm Foundation

When He Starts to Miss You

This post is for wives who were being controlling and trying to force their husbands to be with them, say certain things to them and who were trying to initiate physical intimacy and were getting rejected a good bit – and have tried to correct these things by backing away some and giving their husbands… Continue reading When He Starts to Miss You

“I Don’t Know How to React…..”

From my wonderful friend, Kayla (at www.lessonsofmercy.wordpress.com),  who has been on this journey with me now since Sept of 2012.  She is the one who wrote the now-famous post on my site, “My Demon.”   Today’s post is amazing.   But for the wives who are struggling – this may be hard to read. Please keep… Continue reading “I Don’t Know How to React…..”

Defending Myself No More

It is absolutely human nature for all of us to respond to criticism by defending ourselves. God asks us to respond in the power of His Spirit as His disciples – we are no longer slaves to our old sinful selves.  Let’s look at how we can respond to criticism in God-honoring, life-giving ways. BEING… Continue reading Defending Myself No More

“We Need to Talk!”

This is a guest post by my precious sister in the Lord at www.thegoodwife121.blogspot.ca. ————————————– THE STRAIGHT PATH “Do you have any free time this evening?” I asked Husband, a couple of days ago. “Yeah, I think so..” He responded offhandedly. “Why?” “Because I’d like to talk.” “…talk? Talk about what?” I already could hear… Continue reading “We Need to Talk!”

“Can I ‘Have It All’?”

From a wife and sister in the Lord, Veronica Alejar, from the Philippines – with her permission: I used to think that I “had it all”. I was a TV news anchor/mother of 3/wife/businesswoman-baker, etc. etc. People always stopped to ask how I could multi-task and well, have it all! I thought that I was… Continue reading “Can I ‘Have It All’?”


This post is inspired by a real estate commercial that shows a wife attempting to pressure and force her husband into a quick decision about a house that the couple may not be able to responsibly afford. Some things to observe in this brief conversation: the wife’s facial expressions her tone of voice the husband’s… Continue reading “I MUST HAVE THAT HOUSE!”

Spiritual Authority – Building a Firm Foundation

The minister who taught this class at my church has graciously allowed me to share our class notes on my blog.  I’m so thankful for his generosity!  Everything below is word for word the notes from the class, “The Preeminence of the Doctrine of Spiritual Authority”  This is the framework and basis for EVERYTHING else… Continue reading Spiritual Authority – Building a Firm Foundation

Dying to Self – by The Good Wife

This is a guest post by my precious sister in Christ at www.thegoodwife121.blogspot.ca.  She is documenting her journey to become a godly wife.  I am sure many wives are going to relate to her struggles and be blessed by what God is doing in her heart! —————— Slowly it’s getting easier. I noticed it while… Continue reading Dying to Self – by The Good Wife