We found 531 results for your search.

My Husband Won’t Lead in Our Marriage – Part 1

Administrative Note: I am taking an email vacation through January 6th.  You are welcome to comment on posts, but please hold emails for me until January 7th.  I appreciate your patience and understanding! 🙂 “I’M THE SPIRITUALLY MATURE ONE, I HAVE TO LEAD” It is a VERY tough position to be in to want to… Continue reading My Husband Won’t Lead in Our Marriage – Part 1

If I Am Being Needy and Clingy, I Will Probably Repel My Husband

Ultimately, each wife must prayerfully decide what she believes God wants her to do to obey Him and to honor Him in her unique situation. God has wisdom. I do not. I write specifically for wives who tend to be controlling and dominating. Wives who tend to be more quiet and have dominating husbands may find… Continue reading If I Am Being Needy and Clingy, I Will Probably Repel My Husband

Giving Friends Godly Marriage Advice

  ** It’s probably best in most situations for us as women not to attempt to give men marriage advice – that can get really dicey and present too much temptation sometimes – especially if messages or conversations are private.  Maybe we can refer men in need of godly counsel to a godly pastor or… Continue reading Giving Friends Godly Marriage Advice

A Husband Teeters on the Edge of Divorce

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: I am taking an email vacation until January 6th.  I plan to continue to post and will respond to comments as I am able – you are welcome to comment any time.  But if you can please hold emails for me for a few weeks, I would appreciate it.  Thank you for your… Continue reading A Husband Teeters on the Edge of Divorce

Supporting Our Pastors’ Wives/Families

From a pastor’s wife.  Thanks for sharing! These are my thoughts in response to your questions regarding women in the church being a support to the wife of the pastor. First of all, pray for her.  I mentioned this once to a friend who attended a different church and she looked surprised.  “I have daily… Continue reading Supporting Our Pastors’ Wives/Families

The Bible and Divorce

What does God think about divorce? Is it ever appropriate? Is it ever sin? The Bible and Divorce.

Pastors Are Human, Too

Unfortunately, many of us know pastors who have succumbed to the temptation of an affair.  Often, a pastor’s/minister’s/Christian counselor’s affair destroys his marriage, his family, his career, his ministry, his reputation, his power in the kingdom of God and sometimes completely tears apart his entire church.  Many times – these kinds of things can even… Continue reading Pastors Are Human, Too

A Wife’s First Practical Steps on Her Journey

From a precious wife (whose husband is addicted to porn – this is a VERY, VERY common situation, by the way.  MANY wives are in this exact same situation.) – thank you for allowing me to share!  I know this will bless many other wives, too! I’ve spent the last few days in prayer and God’s… Continue reading A Wife’s First Practical Steps on Her Journey

Replacing the “Tapes” in My Head

Greg and April in June of 2012 Before God radically changed my mind, heart and soul over the past 5 years, I would constantly have “tapes” playing in my head where I was always talking to myself about things – a running narrative of worry, fear, trying to figure out every possible “what if” scenario… Continue reading Replacing the “Tapes” in My Head

“Your Blog Made Me SO Angry!”

An email I received from a dear wife.  LOVE this.  I receive a lot of emails in this same vein.  Many wives say things like, “I hated you and I loved you.”  The stuff I share is HARD to hear.  We aren’t used to being confronted with our sin as women.  That is PAINFUL.  And we aren’t… Continue reading “Your Blog Made Me SO Angry!”