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A comment on this week’s post about the importance of patience as we learn to be content with what we have – really struck a chord with me. I used to be possibly one of the most impatient people on the planet at times. My time frame was in seconds, minutes and hours. That is… Continue reading Patience

“I’d Love More Affection from My Husband” – A Fellow Wife

Administration note from Peacefulwife: Our children are on spring break, and I am not going to be as available to comment this week as normal. I may sneak in every once in awhile. But you are all more than welcome to comment, discuss, encourage each other, pray for one another, build each other up and… Continue reading “I’d Love More Affection from My Husband” – A Fellow Wife

How to Avoid Becoming a Controlling/Disrespectful Wife

A newlywed posed this question to me, “How can I avoid becoming a controlling/disrespectful wife?” Goodness, this topic could be a book in and of itself. I have many posts about respect that will be helpful. Spiritual Authority  – God’s design structure for spiritual authority in our lives in marriage, business, government and the church… Continue reading How to Avoid Becoming a Controlling/Disrespectful Wife


  I don’t often quote Dr. Phil. But he has a saying, “What I fear, I create.” This is so true! If I fear being alone, my desperation to try to make my husband be with me will repel him If I fear not having control, my attempts to control others will push people and… Continue reading Fear

Overcoming the Darkness

For Prayer Day today – let’s talk about the spiritual warfare we all face as believers in Christ. How do we submit to Christ and resist the devil? James 4:1-9 provides great instructions for us! What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but… Continue reading Overcoming the Darkness

Chasing Shadows – by Vinodhini

  By my precious sister in Christ, Vinodhini – thank you so much for sharing your story! I’ve been on this blog since January, and I’ve found PEACE which had been missing in my life for a long time. April with her RIGHT questions helped me get back to a right relationship with Christ which… Continue reading Chasing Shadows – by Vinodhini

“This Is Not Working. I Don’t See Progress.”

I want to address a very common and extremely important concern that I hear from many, many wives. When we as women have a history of being controlling, dominating, overly responsible, overly “helpful”, mothering and we tend to take over in our marriages, thinking we know so much better than our husbands – at first,… Continue reading “This Is Not Working. I Don’t See Progress.”

GraceAlone Has a New Breakthrough in Her Spiritual Vision

We are continuing to follow GraceAlone’s progress as she began this journey to become a godly wife about 3 weeks ago. I am no longer able to email every wife, but I hope to correspond with a few wives who are willing to allow me to share their stories so that maybe many more wives… Continue reading GraceAlone Has a New Breakthrough in Her Spiritual Vision

GraceAlone Takes Another Step

GraceAlone continues on her journey of tearing out idols, recognizing and repenting of sin, submitting to the Lordship of Christ and learning to trust Jesus with everything in her life. This correspondence is about 2-3 weeks into her journey, I believe. Her words are in blue. I’m so thankful for her willingness and courage to… Continue reading GraceAlone Takes Another Step

Screaming on the Inside

From a precious sister in Christ, Terrie: This picture was in my newsfeed this morning, intended as humor, but it struck a chord with me. Maybe it strikes a chord with you, too. As believers, we are expected to react to the tragedies and trials in our lives according to the Word of our God,… Continue reading Screaming on the Inside