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Let’s Pray Together!

Almighty Lord, PRAISE You alone are the Creator of this universe. You are the Great I Am. You are completely holy. You are incapable of evil. You cannot tolerate sin. Yet, You are completely Love. You are the very embodiment of what Love means and Who Love is. You are full of grace, mercy and… Continue reading Let’s Pray Together!

A Beautiful, Feminine, Godly Example of How to Handle Conflict

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: I will be taking a break from the blog this Wednesday through this coming Sunday while my children are out of school. I’ll miss y’all! But I hope to check back in next week. 🙂 ———————– A wife allowed me to share her comments from “Godly Femininity – Part 1.”  Thank you, my… Continue reading A Beautiful, Feminine, Godly Example of How to Handle Conflict

Don’t Worry, I Am Not Perfect! Some Encouragement

(In case any of you are feeling discouraged after the posts about being an ungodly woman, and godly femininity part 1 and part 2) I don’t want any of you to think that I am perfect or to put me, my husband, our marriage (or any sinful human) on a pedestal. I am nothing and… Continue reading Don’t Worry, I Am Not Perfect! Some Encouragement

Godly Femininity – Part 2

If you are a Christian woman, how can you grow in godly femininity? What does it even mean to be a godly woman?

Godly Femininity – Part 1

This topic could be a whole book. Actually, there are some books about it! You can find some of them in my post about my favorite marriage books. Recently, we examined femininity in general and then ungodly femininity. Today, we are going to talk about godly femininity or biblical womanhood. This is the real core… Continue reading Godly Femininity – Part 1

A Wife Responds to a Sister in Christ Who Is Feeling Insecure

This is from a reader – it was one of the comments on Thursday’s post “What Does It Mean to Be an Ungodly Woman?” ———— This helped me get over a big hump that seemed to be blocking my faith. I’m not saying that I’ve completely overcome that hump, because a lot of what you… Continue reading A Wife Responds to a Sister in Christ Who Is Feeling Insecure

What Does It Mean to Be an Ungodly Woman?

Me in 2003 when I was still so blind to my sin. We are going to look at what godly femininity is. But sometimes, a powerful way to study what something is – is to look at what it is NOT. There may be some women for whom all of these things (about being an ungodly… Continue reading What Does It Mean to Be an Ungodly Woman?

The Wrong Counselor Can Be More Dangerous Than No Counselor

There are many Christian counselors, pastors, friends, family members and godly mentoring wives who do great GOOD, who help to point hurting women and men to Christ and to His Word and who help people walk through difficult trials. These are the people who help people to primarily look at their own lives and their walk with God and… Continue reading The Wrong Counselor Can Be More Dangerous Than No Counselor

The Idol of Happiness

We tend to think that “idolatry” means someone bowing down to a statue and praying to it in a shrine. It’s really easy to dismiss that practice as not even remotely a temptation to us today in our culture and to discount everything the Bible says about idolatry as being irrelevant to us. Big mistake!… Continue reading The Idol of Happiness

Wives Share What They Have Learned – Part 1

I think that most of us have realized, this approach does NOT work and is very unattractive to our men – understandably so!  Wives share what they have learned about how to approach their husbands when they want their husbands to spend more time with them. From our discussion last week. Thank you to all the… Continue reading Wives Share What They Have Learned – Part 1