Almighty Lord,
You alone are the Creator of this universe. You are the Great I Am. You are completely holy. You are incapable of evil. You cannot tolerate sin. Yet, You are completely Love. You are the very embodiment of what Love means and Who Love is. You are full of grace, mercy and forgiveness to those who will receive Your unfathomable gift of Jesus Christ. You are slow to anger and abounding in Love. You are the Alpha and Omega – the Beginning and the End. You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. You are omnipotent. You are completely and totally sovereign over every galaxy, every person’s life, every animal’s life and every subatomic particle. You alone are God. There is no other. You alone are worthy of all of our praise, adoration, reverence, holy fear, trembling, worship, sacrifice, love and devotion. You direct history for Your purposes. You hold the king’s heart in Your hand, directing him wherever you desire him to go for Your glory (Proverbs 21:1).
Jesus, You are the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus, You are the Great Shepherd and the Great Physician. You are equal to God and You ARE God. All authority in heaven and earth has been given to You and Your enemies have been crushed under Your feet. You have conquered death and sin! You have authority over the weather, the angels, the demons, disease, war, kings, nature and everything above the earth, on the earth and under the earth. You have all authority in heaven. You alone were worthy to open the scroll in the book of Revelation. And You will return to take away Your people to be with You in heaven and to destroy Your enemies.
Holy Spirit, You are the Counselor Jesus promised to send us. You alone can convict people of sin and open the eyes of those who are spiritually dead. How we praise You for Your power and Your ministry among us and in this world. We welcome Your blazing Light into our hearts and we welcome Your conviction and Your power and direction for our lives. We submit fully to You.
We thank You for life. Thank You for this amazing creation that was made in Your infinite and eternal wisdom. Thank You for Jesus and for salvation. Thank You that we have free access to Your Word and the freedom to speak together about You and to worship You together. Thank You for the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the electricity and gasoline we use. Thank You for stores that have food and things we need. Thank You for our jobs. Thank You for our health and for the medical care we can receive if we are sick. Thank You for our government leaders, police, fire fighters, teachers, church and business leaders. Please use them to accomplish Your will and Your glory. All we have comes from Your hand. You give rain to us abundantly. You cause the seasons to continue to change as they always have. We thank You for Your protection, guidance and wisdom.
We come to You in total humility, God. We come, confessing any sin that taints our souls and that offends Your holiness. Reveal to us any pride, self-righteousness, lust, envy, malice, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, gossip, gluttony, addictions, idols (things we try to find fulfillment and purpose and happiness in other than Christ), apathy toward God or people, greed, dishonesty, false teaching, stinginess, and any other thing that sets itself up in our hearts against the Most High God. We are consumed with selfishness and a desire for entertainment and pleasure rather than the things of God. Convict us of every sin. Let us mourn over our sins and grieve that we have grieved Your heart. Let us turn away from those sins, realizing how filthy and nasty they are in Your holy sight, turning to Christ in total faith. Let us cling to You and open our souls wide to You to remove anything that displeases You in our hearts. Let us truly live with You as LORD of our lives instead of SELF being lord.
Our hearts are grieved over our own sin. And our hearts are grieved over the sin of our people. Let us hate sin the way You hate sin. As a nation, our people have tried to get rid of God. We want to push You out of our government, schools, churches, families and marriages. Our people want Your blessings but they don’t want to bow to You as Lord. As a nation, we have strayed far from Your Word and Your side. We are guilty as a people of so many burdensome sins in Your sight – apostasy, unbelief in You, millions of abortions, murders, stealing, lying, bribery, corruption in our government and in our churches and charities, idolatry, false worship, atheism, agnosticism, false teaching, a continual undermining of Your Word, the undermining of those in God-given authority over us, disrespect and irreverence toward You, hatred, contempt, factions, divisions in our churches, contention, overwhelming pride and arrogance that we don’t need You, conceit that our nation could never fall, pride that we have what we do because of ourselves instead of because of Your generosity, mercy and grace, drug/alcohol/gambling/porn addictions, rampant divorce, rampant sexual sin of every kind, rape, kidnapping, sex trafficking, prostitution and all manner of evil.
This is inexcusable! We have Your Word! We have the truth! We have forsaken You and we are seeing the results of our decision. Please help us to learn from the sins and errors of those generations who went before us and let us return to You!
Let Your people, which are called by Your Name, humble ourselves and pray. Let us seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, then hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land as You have promised, Lord! (II Chronicles 7:14)
Our churches and our nations are desperate for You, Lord!
We don’t have the answers to all of the massive problems that we are facing in our world today. We cannot solve or prevent the economic crisis that is looming ahead. We cannot stop ISIS on our own. We cannot stop ebola. We cannot stop hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, disasters, ungodly rulers who oppress their people, people full of hatred and violence who are bent on killing others, crime, murders, gangs and all of the awful things that we see in the news every day.
We will not put our trust in doctors, a president, a king, the CDC, the government, the economy, our 401K, our own wisdom, our own plans or any human. We put our trust in You alone, Lord! Our problems are not political, medical or academic. Our problems are spiritual. We have abandoned You. You have allowed us to go our own way. You have allowed us to make our own free choices. And we are reaping the dreadful consequences of trusting ourselves and abandoning You as a people. We are storing up God’s wrath against us as a nation(s).
We get on our faces in total humility before You and plead for You to intervene, Lord! Send a massive movement of Your Spirit among Your people. The state of Christianity is pitiful. We are sick, weak, blind and almost comatose. We are infested with gangrene from our sinful culture. We have embraced the poison of the world.
Do whatever it takes to rid us of this deadly spiritual infection of sin before it completely destroys Your people, Lord!
Raise us up to Life and vitality in Christ. Let THIS generation rise to become a godly generation. Let us see how far we have veered off course from Your Word and Your will. Let us trash everything that is sinful, ungodly and worldly in our lives and let us embrace Your Word, Your truth and Yourself. Let us learn to abide in You. Let us love Your Word and obey Your Word. Let us live by the power of Your Spirit and let us rise in Your power to become the church You designed us to be. Heal us individually, heal our families and marriages. Heal our churches and our nations. Let us love You wholeheartedly and let us be set on fire with our passion and desire for You. Let us love people with Your love. Let us share what we have with others – this great news, our resources, our time, our love, Your Spirit. Let everyone in the world hear Your gospel and have the opportunity to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Make us faithful to Yourself!
There are many who are suffering in ways we cannot begin to imagine around the world today, Lord. Our brothers and sisters and other groups are being severely persecuted, tortured, raped, kidnapped, beaten, crucified, shot and beheaded. How we pray that You might stop ISIS. And how we pray that You might stop the ebola virus, the enterovirus D68 and other diseases that are hurting and killing so many people. We also pray for those in harms’ way because of hurricanes and storms. We pray for refugees who do not have the clothing, food, clean water, medical care, shelter and provisions they need. We pray for those who have not heard the Good News yet – that You might send many workers out into the harvest. Use us however You will to accomplish the work of Your kingdom!
Please give those who are working on the front lines of these tragic situations Your power, grace, strength, courage, love and truth to minister powerfully to those who are suffering.
Cause Your people – each of us – to rise up and to share with those in need and to pray for those in need.
We trust You. It sure seems like this could be the beginning of the tribulation time that Revelation talks about. It doesn’t take much imagination to picture that happening. We pray most of all for Your will, Your glory and for Your purposes to stand. Empower us to be faithful to You no matter what may come, no matter how great the suffering or persecution. Let us be faithful. Empower us to speak Your Word and Your truth boldly and courageously.
Let us hear You say, in just a few short days when this life is over, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” Use us to bring honor and glory to Your Name. Use us to love and bless others with Your love.
In the Name, power and will of Christ,
You are welcome to share a prayer for these or other needs, as well. 🙂
I will be taking a blog break Wednesday (tomorrow) through Sunday while our children are on fall break. 🙂
Praying for Our Husbands So That God Will Hear
Prayer Day – Living a Consecrated Life
Prayer Day – Christ Is Our Greatest Treasure!