We found 62 results for your search.

God Changes a Wife’s Heart During a Financial Crisis

  From a precious sister in Christ – the same one God is taking from major fear to strong faith: I am writing to you again to share one more incident that took place yesterday and through which God spoke to me. I am excited when there is even a very small progress in the… Continue reading God Changes a Wife’s Heart During a Financial Crisis

How God Has Led Me Through Greg – and BOOK NEWS!!!!!!!

I used to believe God couldn’t lead me through my husband, Greg. Turns out, He can! Here’s a bit of my story and how God has led me through my husband.

When Your Plans Fall Through

  Happy Thanksgiving!   I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia this past Monday. That explains why I haven’t even had the energy to attempt a run in weeks or to walk up the stairs at night to tuck our little girl into bed. I had been pretty sick the past few weeks, barely getting any… Continue reading When Your Plans Fall Through

Am I Trapped by Material Things?

Materialism is something we have ALL been marinating in all of our lives. We may not even notice it, that is how “normal” it is in our culture – that drive and push to have more, to have the best, to indulge in a luxurious lifestyle and to find contentment in wealth, stuff and luxury.… Continue reading Am I Trapped by Material Things?

New Life Springs from a Painful Trial

“What if no matter what husband I married, I would be sinned against and that would reveal all this sin and filth in my own life? The kind of wife I am and the way I respond comes from my character and the fruit of my soul – whether my sinful nature is in control… Continue reading New Life Springs from a Painful Trial

Combating Materialism

Our house before we bought it above For the first year we lived here, this big room was such a disaster. It gave me heebie jeebies to see it! Back then, I was a perfectionistic housekeeper and wanted my house to look magazine perfect all the time. It REALLY stressed me out to live in so… Continue reading Combating Materialism

One Wife’s Story – 6 Days In

From a wife, I am so thankful she has allowed me to share the beginning of her journey with y’all! I know it will bless you (If you have a story you believe God would like you to share here as a post, you may leave it in the comments, I may be able to… Continue reading One Wife’s Story – 6 Days In

How Husbands Die to Self

FROM A WIFE: I would be interested in learning more about what men go through when they are in that process of dying to self, and what it means for them. From JAY DEE, a Christian husband and marriage blogger: Alright, what do men go through: 1) We don’t get to make the decisions we… Continue reading How Husbands Die to Self

A Wife Sees Her Husband in a Totally New Light

From a dear sister in Christ who has given me permission to share (I have not included everything I wrote to her in this post). I appreciate her allowing me to share her story! EMAIL #1 I have been following your blog for about 2 weeks and reading and praying and TRYING so hard…I am… Continue reading A Wife Sees Her Husband in a Totally New Light

Ways Husbands Lead that Wives Often Don’t Notice – From the Archives

A REMINDER: I write from the slant of a wife who was dominating, Type A personality, take-charge, controlling, overly responsible, overly “helpful” and prideful with a passive husband. If you tend to be too quiet or have a very dominant husband, my slant may not be the angle you need because you are going to… Continue reading Ways Husbands Lead that Wives Often Don’t Notice – From the Archives