My Book Releases Today – Celebrate with Me!

  The Peaceful Wife – Living in Submission to Christ As Lord releases officially January 27th! Some of you who pre-ordered on have already received your copies early. That was a wonderful surprise! It is now available at,, B&, and many other outlets, as well. I don’t think I have shared yet… Continue reading My Book Releases Today – Celebrate with Me!

"Do You Think Women Are Always to Blame For Problems in Marriage?"

I write very specifically for women, and very specifically not for men – although men are welcome here and many find healing in Christ here, too. My calling is Titus 2:3-5 and to “make disciples” for Jesus in the Body of Christ (primarily with women) – part of the Great Commission. Sometimes, because I only… Continue reading "Do You Think Women Are Always to Blame For Problems in Marriage?"

"Isn't It Demeaning to Me if I Respect My Husband?"

A guest post from a precious sister in Christ who is very new to this journey: Thank you!! I was ready to quit when I stumbled onto your site. When you responded to my anger with such kindness and affirmation something clicked for me – if I could be kind to my husband when he’s… Continue reading "Isn't It Demeaning to Me if I Respect My Husband?"

Life Is God’s to Give and God’s to Take

I am not God. Life is God’s to give and it is up to Him to decide when a person should die. I don’t have the authority to decide that for myself or anyone else.

God Helps a Wife Overcome Destructive Jealousy

I have been sharing many of the wives’ comments from the post Monday “I Need to Change! I Can’t Go On Like This!” on my Peaceful Wife Blog Facebook page. I want us all to get to hear about the things God has done and is doing in as many other women’s lives as possible.… Continue reading God Helps a Wife Overcome Destructive Jealousy

The Treasures of God in the Midst of a Great Storm

In the midst of a lot of marital tension, a wife discovers the treasures of God.

"I Need to Change! I Can't Go on Like This!"

Can you identify with this wife? Are you driving yourself crazy in your marriage and realize, “I need to change!”? I pray her story will bless you.