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A Wife Faces Her Fear of Betrayal

This is a series of portions of emails a wife sent to me recently and my responses.  She is very open to God working in her.  She is approaching Him with humility and faith.  I am in awe of what He is doing in her life!  A huge THANK YOU to her for sharing with… Continue reading A Wife Faces Her Fear of Betrayal

The PMS Issue – Part 1

From a dear friend and precious wife who is on this journey with me: Like so many other women, your post about “The Challenge” really struck a chord with me… I didn’t realize until lately how bad of an attitude I have had at times…. there have been times I could almost hear God whispering… Continue reading The PMS Issue – Part 1

But, I’m a GOOD Person!

Yesterday, we looked at the wisdom of our culture, “Are Women Morally and Spiritually Superior to Men?” We examined God’s perspective and His holy judgment of ALL people as being evil.  He says there is no one that is good (Romans 3)  He says that our best attempts to be good look like “filthy, bloody… Continue reading But, I’m a GOOD Person!

Attracting Your Husband

You cannot force your man to be attracted to you.  You can be a godly woman, full of joy and peace and God’s Spirit.  THAT is attractive to men.  Then we trust God with the results. 🙂 What I am about to list is not a bunch of rules – but rather – it comes… Continue reading Attracting Your Husband

Ways Husbands Lead that Wives Often Don’t Notice – From the Archives

This is a continuation of the post two days ago about how wives tend to have VERY specific and high expectations of exactly what it means to be a spiritual leader – and how many of the things we expect aren’t even biblical. Not only that – but our expectations can lead to grave sin… Continue reading Ways Husbands Lead that Wives Often Don’t Notice – From the Archives

The Key to Peace

Having a solid understanding of where my responsibilities end and where God’s sovereignty begins is a HUGE key to peace that I was missing for many years. THE WAY I USED TO LIVE I ultimately trusted myself, not God. I said I trusted Christ. I thought that I was living by faith – but in… Continue reading The Key to Peace

Love, Honor, Respect, and Submission Are Gifts

The passages about marriage in Ephesians 5, Colossians 3, I Corinthians 11:3, I Peter 3 and Titus 2 all give God’s commands for husbands and wives in marriage. Before we dive in, let’s begin with the understanding that God made men and women with equal value – both are “image bearers of God” in Genesis… Continue reading Love, Honor, Respect, and Submission Are Gifts

A Wife Begins to Abide in Christ

This is an email I received this past week from a precious wife I first “met” about 4 months ago or so.  She has a difficult situation with a major chronic illness that can be extremely painful and debilitating at times.  Her husband does a great job caring for her.  There are difficulties and trials… Continue reading A Wife Begins to Abide in Christ

The Devastation of Sexual Rejection in Marriage

If you have severe issues in your marriage, please seek godly, experienced, wise counsel! Ladies, I know that MANY of you are suffering in your marriage with the pain of sexual rejection.  The pain can be excruciating.  And many women think they are the only wives whose husbands refuse them. Reading marriage books that constantly… Continue reading The Devastation of Sexual Rejection in Marriage

Worry – Part 1

Hang on, ladies!  This is a painful one – but necessary.  It’s going to step on all our toes.  But we have to deal with some unpleasant and critical issues to get to the intimacy we long for with Christ and our husbands!  Please approach this post with a prayerful attitude of yieldedness and openness to God’s… Continue reading Worry – Part 1