I kept hearing God say to me, ” Silence, child,” every time I go to say something harsh or worrying or doubt him, it’s so strange April.
What is happening here, my beautiful sister in Christ, is that you are beginning to experience the peace of God that passes all understanding! You have torn out your idols of self and control and are beginning to trust God instead of yourself. You are beginning to be still and wait on God. You are giving Him access to every corner of your soul, allowing Him to remove anything that is rotten, and allowing Him to transform your heart and mind.
This is how it feels the first day that you begin to live in God’s peace and your mind is uncluttered from all the usual worry and fretting. At first, it feels very strange and foreign. It seems like something is not right because your mind isn’t whirring to and fro trying to figure out how to make everything work out yourself. You are resting in God’s love. You are resting in God’s sovereignty. You are beginning to take a step of faith and trust in Christ to a greater degree than ever before.
Eventually, this peace becomes normal as you continue to abide in Christ.
It is the greatest blessing ever – to rest in God’s peace and sovereignty and to trust Him and face each day as a new adventure. “I wonder what God is going to do today! I can’t wait to see!”
You begin to long for time alone with Him. You can’t wait to dive into His Word and uncover new riches and treasures. All the things of the world begin to fade away and you can see how unimportant they are in the light of heaven. Christ and His love become more and more dear. His truth becomes your food and meat. You truly begin to seek Him above everything else and to long for Him more than anything in life. You lay your life at His feet in total surrender, holding nothing back, and make him LORD. You long to please Him and to know Him more. You begin to see with His eyes. You begin to love what He loves and hate what He hates. You adopt His priorities. You don’t care about your will anymore, you just want HIS will. You don’t care about your comfort or glory anymore, you just want His glory.
You realize that as long as you have Him, you have EVERYTHING. But if you don’t have Him, you have NOTHING.
You begin to become addicted to His presence, power, peace and joy. Jesus brings true contentment and refreshment for your soul. The living springs of His water well up in your spirit. You have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. Nothing else can compare.