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Being Married to a Man Who Doesn’t Talk Much

If you are a wife who is married to a man who does not do a lot of talking, this post is for you!  Please keep in mind that it is very normal for opposites to attract.  Talkative people often marry quieter people.  It makes sense. But sometimes once we are married, we get upset… Continue reading Being Married to a Man Who Doesn’t Talk Much

“I Want a Divorce!”

Obviously, divorce is quite prevalent today – even in the church among those who claim Christ. Let me say right up front… No one answers to me about why they got a divorce or why they want a divorce.  We will all answer to God alone for our thoughts, words and actions. I am not… Continue reading “I Want a Divorce!”

Navigating Social Media in Ways that Honor Christ and Our Husbands

***  It seems I had a technical glitch yesterday 🙁    If you are interested in reading, here’s the link to “The Wonder of New Life” Ladies, I would like to encourage you to keep private relationship stuff private and off of your public Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram, etc… I personally believe it is… Continue reading Navigating Social Media in Ways that Honor Christ and Our Husbands

Can You “Overdo” Respect or Submission in Marriage?

Humanly speaking… YES! Anytime God gives us a command, we as humans are tempted to go way too far to the right of the command or way too far to the left.  There is this beautiful, godly place in the center where God desires us to be.  I think of it as walking on a… Continue reading Can You “Overdo” Respect or Submission in Marriage?

I am a Work in Progress

God has taught me SO MUCH as I have been blogging for wives and also for single women on my other blog www.peacefulsinglegirl.wordpress.com these past 21 months.  I’m incredibly thankful for all of you, my readers.  You sharpen me.  God uses you to teach me how best to approach different topics and to understand how… Continue reading I am a Work in Progress

Why Your Husband May Not Immediately Do What You Want Him to Do

Are we trying to control our husbands? I had another impromptu interview with my husband.  I’m so thankful he is usually game for answering my questions!  He is able to express a masculine point of view very clearly now – I learn so much from him every time we talk!  My husband may not be… Continue reading Why Your Husband May Not Immediately Do What You Want Him to Do

“Why Won’t He Protect Me from His/My Family?”

My hope is to point women to Christ and His Word. I don’t write for men because Scripture admonishes women not to teach or have authority over men. This does not mean that the Bible doesn’t apply to men or that they are off the hook with God. Husbands are more accountable to God for their love and… Continue reading “Why Won’t He Protect Me from His/My Family?”

A Husband and Wife’s Authority in Marriage

I’m sharing a bit from a marriage class Greg and I took 2 years ago at our church. ————————————————————- There are two types of authority in marriage: 1. Positional authority is authority that is delegated to a person by someone in authority over them.     This is the type of authority that God gives… Continue reading A Husband and Wife’s Authority in Marriage

“What On Earth Do I Do Now???”

Sometimes we encounter problems in marriage.  That is inevitable.  At times: We will be sinned against We will be hurt We will feel unloved We will feel lonely We will feel overwhelmed We will face DIFFICULT circumstances We will feel misunderstood We will be exhausted, sleep-deprived, physically/emotionally/spiritually drained Things will seem impossible to fix It… Continue reading “What On Earth Do I Do Now???”

Handling a Controlling Mother as a Team

From a wife who is learning so very much from God.  I love the way this wife is seeking her husband’s counsel and advice and taking it.  I love how she is placing herself under his covering, leadership and protection.  This is a much healthier way for her to handle situations with her husband, her… Continue reading Handling a Controlling Mother as a Team