We found 57 results for your search.

Is Facing Death without Fear Possible?

You don’t have to be afraid to die. There is hope in Jesus!

9 Powerful Ways to Influence Your Children for Christ

9 of the most effective ways to influence your children for Christ.

What Does the Bible Say about the Role of a Wife?

What does the Bible really say about the role of a wife in marriage? Let’s lay our preconceived notions at the door and dive into God’s Word and design for us.

Handling an Unwanted Divorce with Christlikeness

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Here is a question from one of my readers, followed by a response from a Christian brother who has been down this road and who has decided to entrust Himself and his children to Christ. I appreciate his willingness to share: The Question: My problem is an unrequited divorce. I… Continue reading Handling an Unwanted Divorce with Christlikeness

Avoid Such People

We Christian women tend to think we should be friends with everyone and be people pleasers. But there are times when we should “avoid such people.” Let’s see when those times might be in our relationships.

Should a Christian Wife Consider Separation?

Should a Christian wife consider separation from her husband? Here are some thoughts before making such a big decision.

The Treasures of God in the Midst of a Great Storm

In the midst of a lot of marital tension, a wife discovers the treasures of God.

How God Has Led Me Through Greg – and BOOK NEWS!!!!!!!

I used to believe God couldn’t lead me through my husband, Greg. Turns out, He can! Here’s a bit of my story and how God has led me through my husband.

I Am Responsible for Myself Spiritually – Part 1

I am not the Holy Spirit. It is not my job to convict my husband – or anyone else – of sin. And it is not my job to make people repent. I don’t get to make people’s decisions for them. I am not them. I don’t have the right to usurp their free will.… Continue reading I Am Responsible for Myself Spiritually – Part 1

“Wasting” Myself

May 28, 2013 – our 19th anniversary. Picture taken in front of the church where we were married in 1994. There is an incredible chapter in Watchman Nee’s “The Normal Christian Life” about “wasting ourselves” for Christ. If you haven’t read this book yet, PLEASE, PLEASE read it! I believe it should be a must-read… Continue reading “Wasting” Myself