We found 459 results for your search.

Does Your Husband Want Reminders?

Does your husband get frustrated when you remind him to do things frequently? Here are some ideas to try, instead!

We Need Strong Marriages Now More Than Ever

With so much chaos going on in the world, we need strong marriages and God’s leading more than ever.

Join Me in Spiritual Battle for Our Marriages, Families, and Nation

Let’s come together to engage in spiritual battle for our husbands, children, marriages, families, and communities, ladies!

11 Ways to Honor Your Husband as a Dad

More than anything else on Father’s Day and every day, your husband needs your support of his authority as a father.

Breaking Free from Subtle Idols in Our Hearts

We are much more prone to idolatry even in our advanced society than most of us realize. Thankfully, we don’t have to be slaves to our idols anymore!

Abuse of Power Is Never Acceptable

What does God think about leaders who abuse their positions to elevate themselves or hurt others?

Do I Ever Mess Up and Act Like My Old Self?

A viewer on my YouTube channel asked this question and I thought it may be a blessing for me to share my answer with you. Much love!

9 Healthy Ways a Christian Spouse Could Respond to Feeling Controlled

How can a Christian spouse respond to a controlling spouse in productive ways?

Baby Steps to “Take Your Thoughts Captive for Christ”

If my husband doesn’t do something I wanted him to do, can I actually stop the negative thoughts spinning in my head?

10 Intimacy Killers

10 Intimacy Killers—and how to get rid of them!