We found 531 results for your search.

Standing By Your Man When It Matters Most – By Chelsea

*** Many thanks to April for allowing me to share today. I pray that this blog was an encouragement to you. I would love to have you visit me at my blog “Keeper of His Home” and my Facebook Page as well! May the Lord bless you and keep you as you strive to be the keeper of His… Continue reading Standing By Your Man When It Matters Most – By Chelsea

“What Would We Talk about If I Emailed You?”

My precious sisters in Christ, I have so enjoyed getting to know many of you – hundreds and hundreds of you – by email and here on the blog over the past 2 years. I now count many of you as close friends. What I am going to share with you today is REALLY, REALLY,… Continue reading “What Would We Talk about If I Emailed You?”

Kristin’s Story – Being a Peaceful Separated Wife

  This post was written by Kristin  last year as she went through one of the most difficult trials a wife can experience. Her husband decided to separate from her. She completely entrusted herself to Christ. She died to self. She trusted the sovereignty of God. I walked with her and saw her experience supernatural… Continue reading Kristin’s Story – Being a Peaceful Separated Wife

“He Broke My Trust. I Can’t Forgive Him.”

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: I am going to need to take an email break for the next few days, maybe 4-5 days or so. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding! You are welcome to post comments. ——————– A dear wife commented on the post “I’m Going to Stop Pursuing My Husband (in the Wrong… Continue reading “He Broke My Trust. I Can’t Forgive Him.”

Welcome to the Peaceful Wife!

  Are you ready for supernatural peace in your life and marriage? This site has the information I WISH I had known when I was a newlywed in 1994 (or honestly, as a single woman long before marriage – single ladies are welcome here, too!). I had no idea how unprepared I was to be… Continue reading Welcome to the Peaceful Wife!

A Silent Husband Shares His Heart

For those wives who have passive, unplugged husbands – it can be really difficult for us to understand what is going on in our shut-down husbands’ hearts. I greatly misunderstood Greg for so many years because he didn’t tell me what he thought – so, I ended up making a lot of really horrible and extremely inaccurate… Continue reading A Silent Husband Shares His Heart

What is Attractive/Unattractive to Our Husbands?

Greg and April at Magnolia Plantation, Charleston, SC – April 2013 (I write primarily for wives who tend to be more Type A and controlling – if you are the opposite of that, this blog may not be a good fit for you. If you are experiencing abuse in your marriage, please do not read… Continue reading What is Attractive/Unattractive to Our Husbands?

Dying to Self

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ… Continue reading Dying to Self

How a Fellow Wife and Her Husband Decided to Handle their Finances

From a Fellow Wife.  There is no specific “right way” for a godly couple to handle money issues. I love to give lots of different couple’s approaches so that wives can prayerfully consider different options and seek God’s wisdom for their own marriage and maybe have some ideas about how to respectfully approach the issue with their… Continue reading How a Fellow Wife and Her Husband Decided to Handle their Finances

Ways Husbands Lead that Wives Often Don’t Notice – From the Archives

A REMINDER: I write from the slant of a wife who was dominating, Type A personality, take-charge, controlling, overly responsible, overly “helpful” and prideful with a passive husband. If you tend to be too quiet or have a very dominant husband, my slant may not be the angle you need because you are going to… Continue reading Ways Husbands Lead that Wives Often Don’t Notice – From the Archives