We found 531 results for your search.

“I Want a Baby but My Husband Doesn’t Want One Right Now. What Do I Do?”

Are you in this situation, “I want a baby but my husband doesn’t want one?” You may feel tempted to push and pressure him to get your way. Here’s why that is not a good idea…

Let’s Pray Together!

Lord, Thank You for being our Creator and our Father. Thank You for Jesus and His incredible sacrifice for us. Thank You for Your precious and holy Word. Thank You for Your Spirit. Thank You for the boundaries You give us because You love us so much. The generations before us and the culture around… Continue reading Let’s Pray Together!

“I Prayed to ‘Receive Christ’ – but I Was Not a Believer”

  Yvonne shared her story with me on the post a week or so ago “I said the Sinner’s Prayer – So, I’m Good with God. I’m Going to Heaven for Sure!” I believe her story may bless you. Thank you, Yvonne, for allowing me to post this. 🙂 I appreciate the focus here on… Continue reading “I Prayed to ‘Receive Christ’ – but I Was Not a Believer”

When Your Plans Fall Through

  Happy Thanksgiving!   I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia this past Monday. That explains why I haven’t even had the energy to attempt a run in weeks or to walk up the stairs at night to tuck our little girl into bed. I had been pretty sick the past few weeks, barely getting any… Continue reading When Your Plans Fall Through

When Your Husband Says “I’m Done”

What on earth is a wife to do when your husband says “I’m done”?

Categorized as Conflict

Finding Real Joy in the Midst of a Painful Trial

  James gives us an extremely counterintuitive command from God: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 How… Continue reading Finding Real Joy in the Midst of a Painful Trial

God Loves His Precious Lost Ones

   Silver (October 2014) ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE – I may not have a lot of time for comments this week. I appreciate your patience and understanding! You are welcome to comment, I have appreciated your comments so much this week. Thank you for your love, encouragement, support, prayers and friendship! 🙂   I have had to… Continue reading God Loves His Precious Lost Ones

“If I Respect and Honor My Husband, Then God Owes Me a Godly, Loving, Wonderful Husband, Right?”

For wives who have a history of being controlling, sometimes we  latch on to God’s commands to us to respect our husbands and to honor their headship and spiritual authority in the marriage and assume that if we do these things for God, then “God owes us,” as if it is a business transaction. I… Continue reading “If I Respect and Honor My Husband, Then God Owes Me a Godly, Loving, Wonderful Husband, Right?”

How I Journal and Conduct My Quiet Time

Some women have asked me to share how I have my Quiet Time with God. Let me say, there is not one “right way” to journal or to have a quiet time. There are many different ways of doing this, and that is ok! Usually, I try to have my time of Bible reading and… Continue reading How I Journal and Conduct My Quiet Time

I Am Responsible for My Emotions

For many years, I expected Greg to be responsible for my emotions. I expected him to “make me happy.” I expected him to “fix me” if I was upset. I expected him to meet needs in my heart and soul that only Jesus could meet. I expected that being close to him would give me… Continue reading I Am Responsible for My Emotions