Let’s Pray Together!


Thank You for being our Creator and our Father. Thank You for Jesus and His incredible sacrifice for us. Thank You for Your precious and holy Word. Thank You for Your Spirit. Thank You for the boundaries You give us because You love us so much.

The generations before us and the culture around us has strayed so far from Your Truth and Your Word. We have all been greatly affected by the ungodliness around us, even in our own families and the church. Open our eyes to anything that is sinful and unholy in our lives and thoughts in Your sight. Bring us to conviction, let us mourn over any sin. And let us turn from anything that offends Your holiness and turn fully to You. Cause Your Spirit to move mightily among us. Let this generation rise to become a godly generation. Let us be holy as You are holy. Let us love You wholeheartedly and delight in walking in Your ways and on Your narrow path that leads to life.

So very many among us are deeply wounded, scarred, in pain, lonely, afflicted, weak, and broken hearted. I thank and praise You that You care deeply about each one of Your precious children. Lift the spirits of those who are depressed, discouraged, feeling hopeless, feeling alone, and who are hurting greatly today. I praise You that You are close to the broken hearted and heal those who are crushed in spirit.

We don’t have wisdom. But You do. We don’t know the way we ought to go. We are all like sheep who have gone astray, each of us to his own way. You are the Good Shepherd. You know the best way for each of us. Help each one to cry out to You and to hear Your voice. Carry the broken ones in Your arms. Teach us Your ways. instruct us in Your wisdom. Let us follow You alone. Help us to discern the voices of those who woul lead us astray to our own destruction and let us run to You.

We lift up those who are confused and who are enduring great trials today. Let them know You are close to them. Help them to find great comfort in Your presence and in Your Word and in prayer. Surround those who are hurting and lonely with believers to love them with Your love. Accomplish Your good purposes even in the midst of the storms that are raging in so many lives today. We thank and praise You that You are sovereign and that even when others intend evil toward us, You are able to use that for great good for us in the end and for Your glory.

We pray for Your healing and restoration of our families and marriages today.

We lift up our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world and pray for Your Spirit to fill them, to empower them, to guide them, and to provide for them. We pray for their oppressors to come to know You. Show us how we can share with those in great need.

We love You with all our hearts. We come humbly before You, seeking to know You more, to love You and to submit ourselves fully to You as Lord of all in our lives. Please give those who lead us Your Spirit and wisdom. Let Your Spirit bind us together in perfect unity. Let there be a great awakening among Your people and let it begin with us!

in the Name and power of Christ,



If you would like to share a prayer or a prayer request, you are welcome to. 🙂