We found 357 results for your search.

6 Ways to Be a Faithful Wife

Are there areas where God would like me to grow in faithfulness to my husband and marriage?

11 Top Causes of Bitterness for Wives

Bitterness is something we must always guard against most diligently. If you notice a hint of it, do whatever it takes to get rid of it ASAP!

9 Healthy Ways a Christian Spouse Could Respond to Feeling Controlled

How can a Christian spouse respond to a controlling spouse in productive ways?

15 Signs of a Controlling Person

Is there a way for me to discern if someone is trying to control me or if I have an issue on my end?

Baby Steps to “Take Your Thoughts Captive for Christ”

If my husband doesn’t do something I wanted him to do, can I actually stop the negative thoughts spinning in my head?

The Ugly Anatomy of a Negative-Thought-Spiral

What is really happening when I start thinking negatively about my husband and can’t stop?

“Isn’t My Husband Responsible for My Walk with the Lord If He Is the Spiritual Leader?”

What is the difference between a wife being responsible for herself spiritually and a husband being the spiritual leader of the family?

10 Intimacy Killers

10 Intimacy Killers—and how to get rid of them!

Build a Steelman, Not a Strawman, in an Argument

Looking for a healthy way to work through a disagreement with your husband? Check out this amazing approach!

Look Outward with the Heart of Christ

We have been unpacking the 4 Step Peace Plan for several posts. There is a summary at the bottom of the post. <3 When women are whole in Christ they are empowered by God to stop harming others. In Him, we have divine power to greatly bless our marriages and relationships. Once you see Jesus… Continue reading Look Outward with the Heart of Christ