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“Some Ideas That Helped Me Destroy My Marriage”

From a dear sister in Christ in whom God has been working mightily. How I thank her for her willingness to allow me to share her story. May her experiences be a lighthouse that warns us not to follow in her same path, that we might not wreck our lives and marriages in a similar way. The… Continue reading “Some Ideas That Helped Me Destroy My Marriage”

A “Drill Sergeant” Approach VS. a Godly Feminine Approach

A “Humorous Wedding Cake Topper” at Wal-Mart. Definitely not the picture of godly femininity we are going for! And not humorous at all, in my view. Warning: Please do not attempt any of the things I talk about on my blog without the Holy Spirit’s counsel. John 16:14: “and He will give you a Counselor… Continue reading A “Drill Sergeant” Approach VS. a Godly Feminine Approach

Totally Change Your Reality

Our daughter and I watched a show with a cat behaviorist, Jackson Galaxy, together last week. The cat owner was a famous young woman who often tweeted about her cat and used some dreadful names for him in her tweets. Galaxy said something profound: Words have power. What you speak becomes your reality. He talked… Continue reading Totally Change Your Reality

Do You Have to “Lose Yourself” or “Be Fake” to Be a Godly Wife?

What does it really mean to be a godly wife? Wouldn’t that be oppressive slavery or something?

Wow! The Best Explanation of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood I Have Ever Seen!

Greg introduced me to the podcasts of Wayne Grudem recently. I am so excited to hear this godly man teach! He was the general editor of the ESV version of the Bible. He knows Greek. He is the Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix seminary. He has written many books about theology. He… Continue reading Wow! The Best Explanation of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood I Have Ever Seen!

How God Has Led Me Through Greg – and BOOK NEWS!!!!!!!

I used to believe God couldn’t lead me through my husband, Greg. Turns out, He can! Here’s a bit of my story and how God has led me through my husband.

What Is Sin? Do I Need God’s Forgiveness?

Do you think you are a pretty good person and you really don’t have to worry about needing God’s forgiveness? Let’s examine what the Bible calls sin and invite God to expose anything in our lives that grieves His heart so we can turn from it and be healed!

OneSoLoved Heals from the World of BDSM and ” Christian Domestic Discipline”

Last week, I ran the post “Do I Condone BDSM or ‘Christian Domestic Discipline.‘” Today, I am thrilled to share the story of this beautiful sister in Christ and how Jesus has set her free from a lifetime of abuse at the hands of her father and then further abuse (by her own choice)  at… Continue reading OneSoLoved Heals from the World of BDSM and ” Christian Domestic Discipline”

A Wife Shares How God Is Leading Her from MAJOR Fear to Strong Faith

This dear sister in Christ shares what God has been showing her. I shared the first part of her story here. I am so thankful that she has allowed me to bless y’all with her story: God has brought me a really long way since I last wrote. At the time I was dealing with… Continue reading A Wife Shares How God Is Leading Her from MAJOR Fear to Strong Faith

Do I Condone “BDSM” or “Christian Domestic Discipline”?

Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:10 Because I use the word “submission” in my blog a good bit (referring to the biblical concept of submission of a wife honoring her husband’s God-given leadership), I often receive questions about if I support or teach “Christian Domestic… Continue reading Do I Condone “BDSM” or “Christian Domestic Discipline”?