We found 531 results for your search.

“Should I Stay or Should I Go?”

Is your marriage difficult right now? Are you wondering, “Should I stay or should I go”?

“Lord, I Don’t Want to Do Your Will.”

  I have been doing an amazing Kay Arthur study on prayer with a ladies’ group at my church this summer called, “Lord, teach me to pray.” I love her point (pg. 54): “And what is the root of all sin? Is it not independence? Is it not self having its own way?” She goes on… Continue reading “Lord, I Don’t Want to Do Your Will.”

"Some Things God Has Shown Me about Conflict with My Headstrong Husband"

  I asked a dear sister in Christ to share with us how God has prompted her to handle conflict in her particular marriage dynamic. I am so thankful for her willingness to share! (A reminder – this blog is not written for wives who have truly abusive husbands. If your husband is abusing you,… Continue reading "Some Things God Has Shown Me about Conflict with My Headstrong Husband"

What Is Godly Spiritual Leadership?

Grandfather Mountain, NC Caution – if reading about what husbands “should do” (even in Scripture) is a trigger for you to feel depressed, discouraged, bitter, resentful, or upset – please skip the first part and go down to the section where we pray together for our husbands, my dear sisters! I Wish My Husband Would… Continue reading What Is Godly Spiritual Leadership?

“I Wish My Husband Would Pray with Me More” – Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1 of this series, I believe it would be extremely helpful to check it out, as well. This is such a deep desire in so many of our hearts as wives – that our husbands would pray with us. Prayer is an incredible blessing and an unspeakable gift of God.… Continue reading “I Wish My Husband Would Pray with Me More” – Part 2

“I Wish My Husband Would Pray with Me More” – Part 1

The poll results have been very interesting from the questions I asked last week. I am so thankful for so many women (and men) answering my questions. It helps me to get a much better feel for what is going on in your prayer lives and what we may want to discuss together here. 🙂 After… Continue reading “I Wish My Husband Would Pray with Me More” – Part 1

I Love Y’all So Much!

I just have to stop and tell you how much I appreciate each of you and how very dear you are to me. I can’t help but cry tears of joy and amazement just to think about what God has done these past 3.5 years since I started this blog. Some of you that I… Continue reading I Love Y’all So Much!

My Identity in Christ

If I have received the death of Christ on my behalf (to make me right with God) and have surrendered all of myself and my life to Him as Lord, I have a very specific identity in Christ that I must always keep in mind. Any time that the enemy tries to throw me off… Continue reading My Identity in Christ

My Identity in Christ – the ONLY Source of My Power, Strength, Hope, Security, Peace, and Joy!

If I have received the death of Christ on my behalf (to make me right with God) and have surrendered all of myself and my life to Him as Lord, I have a very specific identity in Christ that I must always keep in mind. Any time that the enemy tries to throw me off… Continue reading My Identity in Christ – the ONLY Source of My Power, Strength, Hope, Security, Peace, and Joy!

Is My Husband (or Anyone Else) Bound by My Personal Convictions?

Some things are always sin. God gives us unchanging principles and commands in the Bible about these things: The Ten Commandments (Ex. 20. – Have no other gods before God, make no graven images to worship, do not misuse God’s Name, honor your father and mother, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not… Continue reading Is My Husband (or Anyone Else) Bound by My Personal Convictions?