I just have to stop and tell you how much I appreciate each of you and how very dear you are to me.
I can’t help but cry tears of joy and amazement just to think about what God has done these past 3.5 years since I started this blog. Some of you that I met here are some of my closest friends and strongest prayer partners now. Some of you soon will be – if you aren’t yet. 🙂
I’m so thankful for the opportunities God has given me here. I can’t believe He lets me be part of His work in so many lives. What an honor. I long for Him to greatly increase and me to greatly decrease. I want this to be ALL about Jesus and His glory. I would be content with obscurity. And yet, God has given me this particular ministry and platform to reach His daughters (and sons). It is a joy. It is also a heavy responsibility. I long to uphold the Gospel and guard it against attack and perversion and I long to handle the Bible rightly in God’s sight. I am in awe as I look back to see all that God has done here in so many lives. I am filled with thanksgiving to God for His incredible generosity in allowing me to be part of your lives and part of His work somehow.
When God opened my eyes to begin this journey to become a godly wife 6.5 years ago, I only wanted God to change me. I only wanted God to heal Greg and to help me be the wife Greg needed and that God wanted me to be. I still can’t believe that Greg asked me to share what I have learned with other women. That moment is one I will cherish for the rest of my life.
I can’t begin to count the miracles we have shared together here.
What impacts me the most is the honor of getting to know so many of you. I love to hear from you. I love to hear your stories – the good ones and the bad ones. I grieve with your pain and I often weep with you over the hurt in your lives and in your marriages. I rejoice and celebrate with you when God brings victory and healing. I pray for you fervently and for your husbands and children.
I learn with you and I learn from you. You sharpen me. You help me to grow. I draw inspiration from you. I LOVE seeing how God uses you to bless, to teach, to encourage, and to exhort other women and how God’s power, truth, and love ripples out across the world in such beautiful ways. I still have so very much to learn! I can’t wait to see all that God will continue to show us together.
I’m so thankful that God has given us a place to share, to grow, to learn, and to love one another in His Spirit of unity here. What a blessing for me to get to know each of you more and more and to hear your heart for Christ and for your marriages. What a blessing for me to watch you reach out to each other to pray for, to love, and to encourage each other.
What a privilege it is to me that our brothers in Christ sometimes share here and that God is bringing healing and restoration to so many of them. What an honor it is to me that God is so active and at work in our midst and that there are so many who are seeking Him with all their hearts. What an incredible treasure it is to me that we get to know each other from around the world and that we can stand together, united in prayer and the love of Christ – able to support one another, to praise God together, to love God together, to thank Him together, to trust Him together, to be refined together, and to mature in Christ together.
To me, this place is a sweet haven for our souls. I pray that it might be exactly that for you, as well.
Sometimes ministry can be very challenging. Two weeks ago was a particularly difficult week with comments. Some of you saw how much opposition I faced and prayed for me – often. How can I ever thank you enough for praying for me and with me?
I know the enemy wants to take me, my husband, our marriage, our family, and this ministry down. I know he wants me to mishandle opposition and God’s Word or to respond in the power of my flesh rather than the power of God’s Spirit. I depend on Christ every moment. I need Him desperately! Sometimes, attacks and opposition can be very draining. Sometimes I need encouragement, too. God always sends one of you to encourage me on the hard days in exactly the way that will most inspire me. He is so good!
- Thank you for your love, your support, your kindness, your friendship, and your prayers!!
One of the things I look forward to most in heaven is the chance we will have to meet each other face-to-face. I can’t wait to put a face with each name of each person I have met here. I can’t wait to hear all that God has in store for each of you. I can’t wait to rejoice together over the miracles of God and the way His purposes will be accomplished in each of our lives for His greatest glory! Thank you for walking with me on this incredible journey with Jesus!
Above all, love each other deeply…” I Peter 4:8