We found 37 results for your search.

Dealing with a Difficult Mother-in-Law

Do you have a strained relationship with your husband’s mom? What’s the secret to dealing with a difficult mother-in-law?

Killing Bitterness

Photo by Wang Xi on Unsplash I have quite a few posts on bitterness – but it has been awhile since I talked about this critical topic. So let’s do a refresher together! We can’t possibly have God’s supernatural peace if we cling to bitterness. It is God’s will that all of His children be… Continue reading Killing Bitterness

Avoid Such People

We Christian women tend to think we should be friends with everyone and be people pleasers. But there are times when we should “avoid such people.” Let’s see when those times might be in our relationships.

How Marriage Books/Blogs/Seminars Can Be Dangerous

There are all kinds of wives who read marriage blogs and books with all kinds of histories, bents, personalities, tendencies, and marriage dynamics. There are many different levels of spirituality. Some are unbelievers, some are baby Christians, and some are in various other stages of spiritual growth in Christ. I think of there being a… Continue reading How Marriage Books/Blogs/Seminars Can Be Dangerous

Check Out the Resources I Have for You and Your Women’s Group!

Books: The Peaceful Wife – Living in Submission to Christ As Lord If you haven’t read this book yet, especially if you tend to be a Type-A personality wife, I would love to invite you to ask your husband (or someone else) to get it for you for Christmas. What better gift could there be… Continue reading Check Out the Resources I Have for You and Your Women’s Group!

A Young Wife Seeks to Honor Her Husband, Not Prosecute Him

Photo by andrew welch on Unsplash A guest post from a young, Christian wife in response to last week’s post: I have had a major problem with (acting like my husband’s prosecuting attorney) and continue to if I am not careful. I’ve been married only three short years and I’ve followed this blog very closely.… Continue reading A Young Wife Seeks to Honor Her Husband, Not Prosecute Him

“Dying to Self” Can Be Dangerously Misunderstood

Last Thursday, I ran a post about “Dying to Self.” Today, I want to talk about how it is possible for someone to misunderstand the concept of “taking up your cross and following” Jesus to think that this means, “I must take abuse. My needs don’t matter. I have to let my husband beat me or… Continue reading “Dying to Self” Can Be Dangerously Misunderstood

Is Biblical Submission Really Just Selfish Manipulation on a Wife’s Part?

Couldn’t a wife use the concept of biblical submission (honoring her husband and treating him with respect) to try to manipulate him and get her way?

InHisGrip Talks about Not Shutting Down Emotionally

This wife tends to go silent when she is hurting. Check out her journey to learn about not shutting down emotionally when she feels tempted to.

When “Submit” Feels Like a Dirty Word – by Shannon Popkin

God calls wives to honor their husbands’ appropriate leadership to bless us, our husbands, our marriages, and our children. What does it mean to submit? It’s not 50 Shades of Gray. It’s not slavery. Check out Shannon’s story!