Saying “No”

Photo by Michael Mroczek on Unsplash Sometimes we struggle with telling people, “No.” We don’t want to seem selfish or ungodly. We don’t want to disappoint or upset people. But there are times when it is critical that we can give a firm, “No,” to people. The goal is, we should be able to say,… Continue reading Saying “No”

Responding to Our Children When They Disobey – SKIT

Some acted out examples of how to respond to our children in ways that model self-control, gentleness, love, patience, and respect while we teach, correct, and discipline them… In Christ, it is possible to be a peaceful mom! Merry Christmas! <3 A 4 minute video:

Stop Watching Football and Spend Time with Me! – SKIT

My latest skit video on Youtube. This one is about 6 minutes. First I share some destructive approaches to trying to get our men to give us more attention. This was the old me. These were the things I did for a long time, not realizing how much I was sabotaging the very intimacy I… Continue reading Stop Watching Football and Spend Time with Me! – SKIT

Dealing with Difficult People at Christmas

Photo by Gareth Harper on Unsplash I know that Christmas can sometimes be a challenge with difficult family dynamics and hurtful things people say at times – whether it is unintentional or intentional. I’d love to remind us all that just because someone says something doesn’t mean that we have to engage in that particular… Continue reading Dealing with Difficult People at Christmas

My Latest Skit Video – “A Scorekeeping Wife”

I started doing skits last week and have been getting a lot of great feedback. Check out my latest video on my Youtube channel, April Cassidy:   A Scorekeeping Wife   Let me know what you think!

7 Keys to Finding Real Peace

CHECK OUT MY FIRST VIDEO SKIT on YOUTUBE called “Dishes with a Martyr”! (It’s under 3 minutes. Let me know what you think!) It is really easy to let our circumstances, problems, and disappointments in other people to rob us of the peace we can have in Jesus. Some of the main ways I find… Continue reading 7 Keys to Finding Real Peace

How Marriage Books/Blogs/Seminars Can Be Dangerous

There are all kinds of wives who read marriage blogs and books with all kinds of histories, bents, personalities, tendencies, and marriage dynamics. There are many different levels of spirituality. Some are unbelievers, some are baby Christians, and some are in various other stages of spiritual growth in Christ. I think of there being a… Continue reading How Marriage Books/Blogs/Seminars Can Be Dangerous