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Purpose of Peacefulwife

This blog will be most relatable for wives who tend to be strong willed/in charge whose husbands are passive. If your husband is controlling or you are more passive – many things I talk about will still apply (God’s Word always applies)- but you may have to approach some of the practical issues from a… Continue reading Purpose of Peacefulwife

Avoiding Legalism

Is it possible to take some of the advice I give and turn it into legalism? YES! I believe that as sinful humans, we are always prone to want lists and rules.  I think we can be tempted to think, “if I do all of the things on this list or follow all of these… Continue reading Avoiding Legalism

God’s Design for Marriage

Let’s get back to basics.  Here is God’s pattern for marriage – which is the basis of my blog: Ephesians 5:22-33 New International Version (NIV) 22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of… Continue reading God’s Design for Marriage

Balance? Moderation?? ME????

MY BIGGEST FAN Greg  (the Respected Husband) is my #1 fan.  He has been behind me with this whole blog thing from before day 1. Almost a year before I started Peacefulwife – he wanted me to start teaching other wives what God had taught me.  He is extremely supportive of me as a wife,… Continue reading Balance? Moderation?? ME????

A Wife Under Construction

This story is from a wife who is deeply hurting in a very troubled marriage.  First comes the demolition work. conviction of sin – seeing the beam in our own eye for the first time repentance – turning away from our ways that offend God crucifying the old sinful nature – dying to self –… Continue reading A Wife Under Construction

Do Not Expect Outside Support

If you decide to obey God’s Word about respecting  your husband and honoring his God-given leadership (Ephesians 5:22-33) – I believe your marriage will be greatly blessed.  I believe you will likely find much greater intimacy with your husband. Most of all, you will definitely find incredible intimacy with God as you submit completely to… Continue reading Do Not Expect Outside Support

Expectations – Part 2

Yesterday, we looked at some common expectations that wives often carry into marriage and how they can create resentment in us (For Part 1 of Expectations, please click here).  We also looked at reality vs. these expectations. Here are some more expectations that we often bring into marriage that sometimes create resentment that if I… Continue reading Expectations – Part 2

The First Few Months (or More) of This Process is HARD!

I share a lot of success stories and light bulb moments that wives have.  Those are really inspiring.  I love seeing what God is doing and when things seem to start to go well. But you know what?  I get WAY more emails that are full of pain, frustration, angst, and struggle.  But I don’t… Continue reading The First Few Months (or More) of This Process is HARD!

A Wife's Learning Curve

  Here is a comment from a deeply wounded husband that I posted on FB this week.  And then there is a wife’s email to me after that about what the husband said. FROM A HUSBAND   Enlightened by your messages. I really question myself when dealing with my wife, which nearly always resulted in… Continue reading A Wife's Learning Curve

What Was I Thinking???

My real husband and myself last May on our anniversary One of my readers, a single Christian guy, commented on this comment of mine – my words are in blue.  I thought his question was a good one.  Here is my attempt to describe what on earth I was thinking those first 15 years of… Continue reading What Was I Thinking???