Here is a comment from a deeply wounded husband that I posted on FB this week. And then there is a wife’s email to me after that about what the husband said.
Enlightened by your messages. I really question myself when dealing with my wife, which nearly always resulted in very harsh very mean words from me to her for years. I have cried my woes to several in utter frustration, that the meanness is reactive, that this was not the wife or life I desired. What was I doing wrong?? I really questioned myself, was I really this monster with such a mean streak. I was convincing myself that I was mean, which is in total conflict of where my heart is for my wife (my relationship with the lord has codified that). I have lived in total conflict internally and externally. Then I saw your posts and lists, and I saw my life with my wife in print. WOW. I feel disgusted by my words, no justification, but having read your lists and posts I could clearly see what extracted such a relationship. My story sadly is ending in divorce, BUT to the wives who read your posts give them credence. We husbands are a delicate breed, though very rough and rugged on the outside, not so on the inside. As a husband I can only wish my wife had seen this list, and gave it credence, I truly would have laid my life for her, as any husband would do. The power and destruction of the list is very real, and any God-loving husband given the respect outlined in this post, will return it in kind to an unimaginable degree. Ephesians 5:21 (the post the husband was talking about was a list of things husbands find to be disrespectful here)A COMMENT FROM A WIFE
Hi April,
- After the initial apology for her disrespect and controlling behavior – she then just apologizes BRIEFLY (that’s good!) for specific things. GREAT JOB!
- She sometimes doesn’t see her disrespect or lack of trust until after she does something disrespectful. That is NORMAL! When you’ve been disrespectful and controlling for decades, it takes some time to learn what is respectful and what isn’t and it take time to learn to stop yourself BEFORE you do and say things. You will need to have plenty of grace for yourself. You are human. And you are a sinner. And this stuff is all brand new information. I pray your husband will be able to give you grace as you learn, too.
- Only God can open our eyes to our sin. And once our eyes are opened to our disrespect and controlling behavior – YIKES! Then we wonder, “How on earth did I not see that all those years!?!?” But most of us didn’t see it. Most of us didn’t do this stuff intentionally. We were reacting in our pain to feeling unloved – and unknowingly deeply wounded our husbands.
- Over time, learning to trust God, seeking Him above everything else, dying to self, being aware of sin, repenting, being humble, understanding what disrespect and respect are, understanding our particular husband’s needs, and committing to submit first to God and then to our husbands – eventually becomes “normal.” At first, it takes severe emotional and spiritual contortion. But, in time, with prayer, with God’s Spirit’s power and with practice – our faith and trust “muscles” grow stronger. And eventually, God changes our hearts and minds. Eventually, we don’t even think the disrespectful and controlling stuff anymore. And that is a VERY PEACEFUL and JOYFUL place to be!
- Some wives don’t talk with their husbands about what they are doing. Laura Doyle, “The Surrendered Wife” (not necessarily a Christian perspective), talks about giving up unnecessary control and learning to respect our husbands and the good things that result from that. But she suggest wives NOT tell their husbands what they are doing for 6 months. Why? Because when you are first learning, you still don’t have a good grasp on what is disrespectful, and some wives will actually say things like, “I’m not going to tell you how stupid your ideas are anymore. This book says I need to be quiet about that.” YIKES! She says that after the 6 months, most wives have changed a lot and most husbands are very happy and don’t really ask about what exactly their wives are doing differently, they are just glad things are so wonderful!
- Some Christian wives DO talk to their husbands about learning to biblically submit and respect their men. IF your husband is a believer in Christ, and he is fairly strong in his walk with God, he may be able to help coach you through some of these things. And it may help him to know what you are doing. So some Christian wives will apologize at first by saying:
“I have sinned against God and against you by disrespecting your God-given leadership and by trying to control and be in charge in the marriage. I realize now that I was so wrong. I want to learn to respect you and to cooperate with your leadership. I pray that you might be able to forgive me. I know it is going to take me some time to learn how to do things right. You are always welcome to tell me when I am disrespectful or controlling.” (and whatever you do – keep it BRIEF and DO NOT EXPLAIN OR JUSTIFY YOUR DISRESPECT AND CONTROL FROM THE PAST!!!! Just these few sentences is probably adequate)
Each wife will need to decide what the best approach might be for her marriage. But I will say this – husbands value ACTIONS and BEHAVIOR much more than words. They will be watching your behavior in the coming weeks and months to see if you are for real. And it may take many weeks or months before they feel safe enough to open their hearts up to you again. That will have to be ok. This is primarily about us obeying God. The results and timing of what happens in the marriage and in our husbands are up to Him.