I am so thankful to be able to share other women’s testimonies of God’s incredible power to change and heal hearts, lives, and relationships. Every story and situation is unique. I know God can – and will – give each woman His divine wisdom about the specifics as she seeks Him wholeheartedly and is led by… Continue reading God Changed a Wife’s Heart for Her Imperfect Husband
Category: Testimonials of God’s Healing
A Young Wife Seeks to Honor Her Husband, Not Prosecute Him
Photo by andrew welch on Unsplash A guest post from a young, Christian wife in response to last week’s post: I have had a major problem with (acting like my husband’s prosecuting attorney) and continue to if I am not careful. I’ve been married only three short years and I’ve followed this blog very closely.… Continue reading A Young Wife Seeks to Honor Her Husband, Not Prosecute Him
Finding Contentment in Christ Alone in Painful Trials
Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash Three strong believers share about finding contentment in Christ alone even in very painful, difficult, lonely situations where worldly peace and contentment are completely impossible. I pray their words and stories might bless you and your walk with the Lord richly! From Sister in Christ #1 I had to hit… Continue reading Finding Contentment in Christ Alone in Painful Trials
Overcoming Unhappiness in Marriage – by Tina
photo credit – Photo by Josh Felise on Unsplash Today’s post is a guest post by a Christian wife, Tina. I pray it may be a blessing to you. 🙂 Marriage is not easy. Sure, there will be plenty of good times, but there will also be trials and challenges. Sometimes bad times will last… Continue reading Overcoming Unhappiness in Marriage – by Tina
FreeinChrist Fights with Heavenly Weapons
Last night, I got to do something that I will remember for the rest of my life as one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. May it bless you, as well! FreeinChrist is a friend of mine and has given me permission to share. For more of her story, check out this… Continue reading FreeinChrist Fights with Heavenly Weapons
A Wife’s Beautiful Response to Her Husband’s Drug Addiction
I love to share individual stories, as I can, that bring glory to God. Even about extreme situations. This is one wife’s story is about what God led her to do in her specific situation. Everything she did isn’t a blanket post for all wives with husbands who are drug addicts. But I am so thankful for… Continue reading A Wife’s Beautiful Response to Her Husband’s Drug Addiction
“I Wish My Husband Would Quit Smoking Cigarettes!” a Guest Post
I appreciate a wife’s willingness to share her story of answered prayer with us. I pray it may be a blessing to those who are facing similar situations with a husband who may have an unhealthy habit. (NOTE – if you are dealing with a husband who has a mind-altering addiction to illegal drugs, prescription narcotics, or… Continue reading “I Wish My Husband Would Quit Smoking Cigarettes!” a Guest Post
FreeinChrist Stands for Something Way Bigger Than Her Marriage
Note – for a post about resetting our Valentine’s Day expectations, please click on this link. I’m so thankful for this wife’s willingness to share her story. It is not all neatly tied up in a bow. Things are not good in her marriage, to say the least. But – check out what God has… Continue reading FreeinChrist Stands for Something Way Bigger Than Her Marriage
My Husband Blamed Me for ALL of the Problems in Our Marriage – by the Satisfied Wife
ADMIN NOTE: I am going to be spending as much time as possible with my grandmother who is in her final days or hours this week. I will respond to comments when I am able to. Thanks for your patience and prayers for my family. I would especially appreciate if some Titus 2 ladies might jump… Continue reading My Husband Blamed Me for ALL of the Problems in Our Marriage – by the Satisfied Wife
“How I Became Enmeshed with My Husband” – by LMS
ADMIN NOTE: An update 3 weeks ago created many technical issues on my blog, unfortunately. Jetpack lost all by a few dozen of my WordPress and email followers. My understanding is that the issue should now be resolved. Thank you for your patience! If you haven’t been receiving emails from me, there are some posts… Continue reading “How I Became Enmeshed with My Husband” – by LMS