Are you ready for genuine peace in your marriage? Are you: Exhausted from trying so hard to make your marriage better? Frustrated that your husband isn’t being more loving and attentive to you? Resentful, hurt, and/or bitter toward your husband? Struggling with trying to fix your husband and get him to change? Battling a lot… Continue reading Hey, there. I’m April!
Category: April’s Updates and Announcements
Our 25th Anniversary Is Today!
May 28, 1994 – our wedding day. Today Greg and I celebrate 25 years of being Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cassidy! We had dated for almost 6 years from the time I was 15 and Greg was 16. I thought we were SO ready to be a godly husband and wife. In fact, I… Continue reading Our 25th Anniversary Is Today!
Update on My Family
Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash I feel like we are all starting to get our bearings a little bit after taking a break to grieve the last few weeks. Greg’s mom’s sudden death really knocked the wind out of our family, especially coming so soon after his dad’s unexpected and sudden death (August) and my… Continue reading Update on My Family
Another Death in Our Family
The picture is of Greg’s mom and dad with our son 16 years ago this month. I wanted to let y’all know that our 16 year old son found Greg’s mom, Ann Cassidy (my mother-in-law), in her bed yesterday afternoon after school. He texted me to ask if Grandma was supposed to pick up his… Continue reading Another Death in Our Family
A Tribute to My Amazing Father-in-Law
Last Saturday was like any other Saturday for our family. I went to work in the pharmacy for a few hours. Greg, our 11 year old daughter, and Dad Cassidy went to the two flea markets in town. They do that every Saturday, no matter what the weather. They picked up lunch at KFC and… Continue reading A Tribute to My Amazing Father-in-Law
Books Were My Mentors When I Began My Journey
Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash In December of 2008, God used a book, “Love and Respect,” (by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs) to open my eyes to a lot of problems in my attitude and behavior I had never noticed before. I was mortified. I had no idea how blind I was and how much work… Continue reading Books Were My Mentors When I Began My Journey
Some of My Favorite Books
God used a number of books to help me grow in my faith, my understanding of Himself, and my understanding of godly femininity and being a godly wife. Here are some of the most important ones in my walk: Books about Becoming a Godly Wife/Woman The Respect Dare by Nina Roesner Lies Women Believe and… Continue reading Some of My Favorite Books
Catch Up on My Latest Videos on my Youtube Channel, “April Cassidy”
When a Guy Wants an Inappropriate Relationship with You – a 9 minute video When Your Man Says, “No.” – an 8 minute SKIT video Someone Spilled Something… AGAIN! – a 3 minute SKIT video
Check Out the Resources I Have for You and Your Women’s Group!
Books: The Peaceful Wife – Living in Submission to Christ As Lord If you haven’t read this book yet, especially if you tend to be a Type-A personality wife, I would love to invite you to ask your husband (or someone else) to get it for you for Christmas. What better gift could there be… Continue reading Check Out the Resources I Have for You and Your Women’s Group!
Looking for Stories for “The Peaceful Mom”!
I will be finishing up my second book, tentatively titled, “The Peaceful Mom,” this fall. I am ready to add some real-life stories to the book for anyone who feels led to share! So many of us who have been on this journey to become Peaceful Wives have realized that becoming the women God calls… Continue reading Looking for Stories for “The Peaceful Mom”!