God used a number of books to help me grow in my faith, my understanding of Himself, and my understanding of godly femininity and being a godly wife. Here are some of the most important ones in my walk:
Books about Becoming a Godly Wife/Woman
- The Respect Dare by Nina Roesner
- Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
- What’s Submission Got to Do with It? Find Out from a Woman Like You by Cindy Easley
- Dance with the One You Love – Living Out Submission in the Real World by Cindy Easley
- Grace Filled Marriage by Dr. Tim Kimmel
- Creative Counterpart by Linda Dillow
- Control Girl by Shannon Popkin
- The Politically Incorrect Wife by Nancy Cobb and Connie Grigsby
- Sacred Marriage – What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More than Happy? by Gary Thomas
- Sacred Influence – How God Uses Wives to Shape the Souls of Their Husbands by Gary Thomas
Books about Understanding Men
- Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (I suggest to only read the parts written for wives to better understand their husbands)
- For Women Only – What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men by Shaunti Feldhahn
- How to Talk So Your Husband Will Listen and Listen So Your Husband Will Talk by Rick Johnson
- The Man Whisperer by Rick Johnson
Books about the Impact of Radical Feminism on All of Us (including our faith and marriages) VS. Biblical Femininity
- The Feminist Gospel by Mary Kassain
- The Feminist Mistake – The Radical Impact of Feminism on Church and Culture by Mary Kassain
- Radical Womanhood – Feminine Faith in a Feminist World by Carolyn McCulley
- Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem (Note, I do not agree with all of the theology of Piper, but I do like his writings on marriage and manhood and womanhood)
Books about Going Much Deeper with Jesus
- The Necessity of Prayer by E. M. Bounds
- Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray
- Humility by Andrew Murray
- The School of Obedience by Andrew Murray (free download and/or audio)
- Answers to Prayer by George Mueller
- Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem (link to podcasts)
My Books—The books I wish I had at the beginning of my journey!
The Peaceful Wife by April Cassidy
The Peaceful Mom by April Cassidy