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Bitterness of Soul – I Want to Be His FIRST Priority!

By  A Fellow Wife who wrote “Giving Up on My Dream for My Marriage”  and “I’m Going to Stop Pursuing My Husband (in the Wrong Ways)” and “Getting Back on Track” I have always loved the story of Hannah in the bible because I identified with her, but not in the conventional way that you might… Continue reading Bitterness of Soul – I Want to Be His FIRST Priority!

The Respect Dare, Day 28 – Making the One-Flesh Relationship a Huge Priority in Your Marriage

The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote… Continue reading The Respect Dare, Day 28 – Making the One-Flesh Relationship a Huge Priority in Your Marriage

“My Husband Doesn’t Spend Enough Time with Me”

Do you feel unloved in your marriage? Like you are not your husband’s first priority? What can you do if you feel, “My husband doesn’t spend enough time with me?”

I Was Dissatisfied in My Marriage for Years. Then This Happened…

No matter how much Greg did for me, I was never satisfied. I wanted more and more.

What If You Want Your Husband to Cut Ties with Someone?

This is a joint post written by Nneka Simone (her words are in blue), April, and some anonymous wives’ examples. I appreciate the input, ladies! We talked in my last post about 6 times when we may need to prayerfully consider breaking (or minimizing) contact with others. One of those scenarios is if our husband… Continue reading What If You Want Your Husband to Cut Ties with Someone?

Dealing with a Difficult Mother-in-Law

Do you have a strained relationship with your husband’s mom? What’s the secret to dealing with a difficult mother-in-law?

When You Want Your Husband to Initiate Sex

Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash It’s beneficial for wives to know that this is a pretty common issue. They are not alone. In my research, my understanding is that for 40% of couples, the wife has the higher sex drive. Of course, this dynamic changes even in an individual marriage over time. Men tend… Continue reading When You Want Your Husband to Initiate Sex

Top 5 Pitfalls on This Journey

Photo by Raúl Nájera on Unsplash On this lifelong journey as I seek to become the woman, wife, and mom God created me to be, there are some common snares. I have fallen into them myself, at times, and I have seen other women fall into them, too. “Enter by the narrow gate. For the… Continue reading Top 5 Pitfalls on This Journey

What Do I Do with My Desire for Verbal/Emotional Connection?

This is the second part of this series on talkativeness and wives. The first post was, “Am I ‘Too Chatty’ with My Husband?” It is primarily for wives who believe they talk too much or whose husbands would maybe prefer less talking. Next week, I plan to talk about the issue of wives being too quiet.… Continue reading What Do I Do with My Desire for Verbal/Emotional Connection?

Being a Peaceful “Football Widow”

Do you resent your husband during football season. Here are my practical tips on being a calm, content football widow.