In these unusual times, we can make the choice to bless our men and strengthen our marriages. God gives wives tremendous power to set the emotional and spiritual thermostat in our homes.
Month: March 2020
9 Powerful Ways to Influence Your Children for Christ
9 of the most effective ways to influence your children for Christ.
Are We Living in the Great Tribulation Time Now?
Need a quick rundown of the biblical prophetic timeline about where we are and what’s coming? This will help get you up to speed.
10 Blessings During This Global Pandemic
What blessings and spiritual riches may the Lord have in store for those who trust Him during this crisis? Let’s explore them together!
Pray with Me about the Coronavirus
This is the perfect time to join together in prayer to the sovereign Lord of the universe who loves us all.
Rest in God’s Peace During the Coronavirus Pandemic.
We don’t have to respond in fear if we know Jesus. He’s got us and He’s going to use this for much good! Let’s be open to the blessings of God during this time.
What Blessings Do I Possess If I Am “in Christ”?
Imagine how different life would be if we could grasp even a fraction of what Jesus has already provided for us!
For Years, I Desperately Wanted My Husband to Change
I wanted my husband to change so I would feel more loved. Check out what God did…