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“He Won’t Talk to Me.”

From a wife.  I know MANY of you can relate… I thought I would send you a quick update on what is going on on my side of the world. I had a chance to talk to my husband this past Sunday.  I apologized to him for not respecting him and not submitting to him at times in our marriage.  I had… Continue reading “He Won’t Talk to Me.”

"He Won't Talk to Me."

From a wife.  I know MANY of you can relate… I thought I would send you a quick update on what is going on on my side of the world. I had a chance to talk to my husband this past Sunday.  I apologized to him for not respecting him and not submitting to him at times in our marriage.  I had… Continue reading "He Won't Talk to Me."

Learning to Respect and Give up Control is a Process

Nina Roesner is the author of The Respect Dare.  She gave me permission to post this article.  I think it will be EXTREMELY helpful for those of you who are starting on the respect journey and who are learning to allow your husband to lead instead of controlling things yourself.  This is a marathon kind… Continue reading Learning to Respect and Give up Control is a Process

The Respect Dare, Day 38 – Taking Initiative Sexually in Marriage

You’ve had a taste of God. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God’s pure kindness. Then you’ll grow up mature and whole in God. I Peter 2:2-3 MSG Today, Nina Roesner – author of The Respect Dare – talks about how God truly knows best for us and is kind to us.… Continue reading The Respect Dare, Day 38 – Taking Initiative Sexually in Marriage

The Respect Dare, Day 37 – Living in His Spirit's Power

You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  I Peter 2:5 On this journey of faith in God, of being made more and more into the image of Christ – we have come a long way already.… Continue reading The Respect Dare, Day 37 – Living in His Spirit's Power

The Respect Dare, Day 32 – Just the Facts, Please, Ma’am, Just the Facts.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  Hebrews 10:24 One of the things that Nina Roesner shares with women in The Respect Dare is for wives to “just be factual and not emotional during conversations with husbands” and not to jump to conclusions, but calmly ask… Continue reading The Respect Dare, Day 32 – Just the Facts, Please, Ma’am, Just the Facts.

The Respect Dare, Day 30 – Modesty and Respect

Now that I have read and understand a lot more about how men think and how their minds and eyes work- I have a whole new understanding of the blessing of modesty both for the women who embrace the concept and for the men who benefit from women who choose to dress modestly. I also… Continue reading The Respect Dare, Day 30 – Modesty and Respect

The Respect Dare, Day 28 – Making the One-Flesh Relationship a Huge Priority in Your Marriage

The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote… Continue reading The Respect Dare, Day 28 – Making the One-Flesh Relationship a Huge Priority in Your Marriage

The Respect Dare Day 27 -Being on His Team in Tough Times

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 Is there a time when your husband was struggling with problems at work, health issues, or some kind of spiritual battle? How did you respond? Let’s look at two different wives’ responses to their husbands during a time… Continue reading The Respect Dare Day 27 -Being on His Team in Tough Times

The Respect Dare Day 26 – Biblical Submission- a Huge Key to Peace

Biblical Submission Begins “Not My will, but Yours be done”  Luke 22:42 Jesus, though He was fully God and equal to God the Father – submitted Himself to God’s authority out of His love for the Father.  Submission began among equals and was born from holy love. Every Christian is called to submit himself/herself to… Continue reading The Respect Dare Day 26 – Biblical Submission- a Huge Key to Peace