We found 157 results for your search.

Want to Grow Real Romance and Attraction in Your Marriage?

You can nurture romance and attraction in your marriage just like you tend a garden. You just need to have the right tools!

What Does the Bible Say about the Role of a Husband?

We covered verses about the role of a wife, now let’s see what the Bible says about husbands!

What Does the Bible Say about the Role of a Wife?

What does the Bible really say about the role of a wife in marriage? Let’s lay our preconceived notions at the door and dive into God’s Word and design for us.

Resources for Wives with Angry Husbands

Dear sisters, For dealing with an angry husband, I have several resources I would like to share that I hope might be a blessing. Of course, each situation is a bit different. It is tempting to respond to our husband’s anger with anger of our own. But it is much more productive and healthy for… Continue reading Resources for Wives with Angry Husbands

Encourage Your Husband to Value Your Influence

We don’t get to control our men, but we can learn to use our godly influence to encourage our husbands and inspire them.

4 Approaches When You Think Your Husband Doesn’t Care

In the last post, we talked about four primary reasons why your husband may seem to not care about you. It is critical that you can identify which of the four root causes is the issue in your marriage so that you can decide how to approach the issue wisely. It takes the discernment and… Continue reading 4 Approaches When You Think Your Husband Doesn’t Care

What If Your Husband Doesn’t Care about Your Feelings?

What can you do if you believe your husband doesn’t care about how you feel, your happiness, and what you desire in your marriage?

My Response to Insults Says a Lot about My Character

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Unfortunately, we will all be the targets of insults, at one time or another. Even Jesus faced intense criticism, insults, and terrible persecution. And He was God! He was completely perfect. And yet, so many people hated Him. It hurts deeply to feel misunderstood, wrongly accused, berated, or verbally attacked.… Continue reading My Response to Insults Says a Lot about My Character

What Is the Difference Between Complaining and Informing?

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash Avoiding complaining can get a bit fuzzy, at times. There are situations where we need to inform those around us about important things they need to know. How can we discern the difference between complaining vs. informing?   Let’s hash through this a bit together. About Complaining – from… Continue reading What Is the Difference Between Complaining and Informing?

Handling an Unwanted Divorce with Christlikeness

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Here is a question from one of my readers, followed by a response from a Christian brother who has been down this road and who has decided to entrust Himself and his children to Christ. I appreciate his willingness to share: The Question: My problem is an unrequited divorce. I… Continue reading Handling an Unwanted Divorce with Christlikeness