We found 409 results for your search.

9 Healthy Ways a Christian Spouse Could Respond to Feeling Controlled

How can a Christian spouse respond to a controlling spouse in productive ways?

7 Unhealthy Ways a Spouse Could Respond to Feeling Controlled

There are plenty of ways to respond to a controlling person that only make things worse.

15 Signs of a Controlling Person

Is there a way for me to discern if someone is trying to control me or if I have an issue on my end?

What Is Going on in a Controlling Person’s Head?

What is going on in the subconscious mind of someone who believes that loving others means trying to control them?

Baby Steps to “Take Your Thoughts Captive for Christ”

If my husband doesn’t do something I wanted him to do, can I actually stop the negative thoughts spinning in my head?

“Isn’t My Husband Responsible for My Walk with the Lord If He Is the Spiritual Leader?”

What is the difference between a wife being responsible for herself spiritually and a husband being the spiritual leader of the family?

Increase the Attraction and Bless Your Marriage with These 3 Tips

Looking for ways to increase the attraction in your marriage? When we take good care of ourselves on every level, we bless our marriages.

I Was Dissatisfied in My Marriage for Years. Then This Happened…

No matter how much Greg did for me, I was never satisfied. I wanted more and more.

10 Intimacy Killers

10 Intimacy Killers—and how to get rid of them!

4 Ways to Get the Sizzle Back in Your Marriage

What if there were some ridiculously easy ways to up the passion in your marriage?