We found 531 results for your search.

A Wife Asks, “How Can a Husband Love His Wife AND Be Visually Attracted to Other Women?”

This is part of a discussion we had on another post. FROM A WIFE: I don’t get the whole “men are visual but they still love you” thing. If they love you – WHY are they looking? If they love you – even if they can’t help but see the girl walk by – WHY… Continue reading A Wife Asks, “How Can a Husband Love His Wife AND Be Visually Attracted to Other Women?”

If You Insist on Being “in Charge” – He Figures You Can Protect Yourself

Many wives want to know why their husbands don’t protect them from his family or other extended family during conflicts. I know every situation is different, and I can’t begin to address every possible scenario and there can be many very complex factors involved.  So I will only be able to speak in generalities here… Continue reading If You Insist on Being “in Charge” – He Figures You Can Protect Yourself

New Life Springs from a Painful Trial

“What if no matter what husband I married, I would be sinned against and that would reveal all this sin and filth in my own life? The kind of wife I am and the way I respond comes from my character and the fruit of my soul – whether my sinful nature is in control… Continue reading New Life Springs from a Painful Trial

Spiritual Authority Class Notes

These are part of my class notes from a class at our church on The Pre-eminance of the Doctrine of Spiritual Authority, that Rev. H. Weaver  has allowed me to share. Please click here for the notes in their entirety. He addresses husbands and wives here. This is a fantastic foundation for us all to understand… Continue reading Spiritual Authority Class Notes

“Why Should I Have to Submit to My Husband in the Little Things?” – Part 1

  Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms. 🙂 I am praying for extra comfort, courage, strength, peace and joy for those battling infertility, those who long for children but can’t have them for some reason and those who have lost a child. FROM A WIFE (with her permission): Hi April, I’ve been lurking on… Continue reading “Why Should I Have to Submit to My Husband in the Little Things?” – Part 1

The Key to God’s Word Having Power in Our Lives – by Nikka

This is a guest post by Nikka – www.peacefulwifephilippines.blogspot.com Regarding Bible reading, I have experienced for myself that the ONLY time that the Words of God starting being lucid, easy to understand convicting for me was after I truly let go and let God. Before, when I would read it, it felt like a “chore”.… Continue reading The Key to God’s Word Having Power in Our Lives – by Nikka

Experiencing God’s Victory Over Fear

  In this series, first we looked at our fears and how our fears fuel our compulsion or “need” to control others, then we looked at facing our deepest fears. Today we will talk about the path to finding victory over our fears in Christ. (I’d also like to invite you to my Peacefulwife Blog Facebook… Continue reading Experiencing God’s Victory Over Fear

Facing Our Deepest Fears

After watching a video similar to this post, What Causes a Woman to be Controlling, A Fellow Wife shared with me: I cannot speak for other wives but For me, fear is THE driving factor to control and I realize that. -I have tried to be controlling with how my husband loves me because I… Continue reading Facing Our Deepest Fears

A Man Shares His Thoughts about Husbands Being Pressured to Work Certain Jobs

Earlier this week, I ran a post “Do We Try to Control Our Husbands’ Jobs?” where I shared how two wives tried to force and pressure their husbands into certain jobs and what severe problems that created for their husbands and their marriages. Today I am excited to share a response from one of our brothers… Continue reading A Man Shares His Thoughts about Husbands Being Pressured to Work Certain Jobs

GodlyWifetoBe Begins Her Journey

There are SO MANY women (hundreds and hundreds) who want to email me on a daily basis. What a wonderful “problem” to have!  But it is also an issue that weighs very heavily on my mind. I WANT to be able to mentor everyone!!!!!  This was not a problem when I just got a small(er)… Continue reading GodlyWifetoBe Begins Her Journey